Secret Paradise (inbetween Zayn's Birthday and Valentines Day')

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so guys this is a chapter called 'Secret Paradise." It comes after 'Zayn's Birthday' and before 'Valentines day.' Hope you enjoy it if you havent read it already:)

Zayn POV

So today was ours and ariana's last day in New York.

"This takes the piss!" Niall shouted from the bathroom. I was helping him pack, my suitcase was already in the lobby.

"What does mate?" I asked folding a t-shirt.

"Going home, seriously!"

"Your always homesick though.."

"It doesnt take the piss for me duh! It takes the piss for you!"


"Uhm..Ariana dumbass!"

"Oh, right, yeah."

Niall looked at me with what looked like sympathy.

"Come on boys!" Ariana rushed in, wearing a geek shirt over black leggings and beat-up red converse, her hair tied into a loose ponytail.

"Ok Ari!" Niall grabbed th entire contents of his wardrobe and shoved it into his suitcase. He pulled a blue sweater on and put a black belt around his black skinny jeans. "Ready!" he rushed out, grinning; dragging his suitcase behind him.

Ariana gave me a weak smile.


"Zayn everythings going to be ok." She cut me off and hung her ponter fingers through the belt loops on my jeans.

"I'm gonna skype you everyday... oh wait we'll have to decide on a timetable because Jai needs to see you too." I held in a laugh. Arianas face fell.

"Why say that Zayn?"

"Oh come on.." I threw my hands up. "I was joking Oreo!"

She leant her head on my chest.

"Look Ari im sorry for being a dick."


"No," i pulled back and put my hans on her shoulders. "Its really not."

"Zayn c'mon its our last.." She checked her watch. "2 hours in New York. Last two hours together."

"You make it sound so dramatic." I kissed her cheek.

"You kids finished yet?" Joan, Ari's mom was stood in the doorway.

"Yeah..well..uh.." Ariana flushed red. "How long were ..were you ...were you standing there mom?"

"Long enough." Joan gave me an approving look and smiled. "Well come on then!"

Ariana POV

We spent the majority of time in the hotel restaurant. It was now 11 o'clock, we'd been here for an hour; one hour until we leave for the airport.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Zayn whispered in my ear.

"What? Now?"

He nodded. "Yeah, now." His voice was soft.


"Thats a surprise." He looked like a 7-year old on Christmas Day.

"Okay Zayn." I got up and looped my arm through his.

Zayn led me to the back of the hotel, i was expecting a skip and trash cans..nope. There was a fountain, numerous plants and a sort-of forest.

"Wow Zayn!"

"Thats not all, follow me!" He took my hand and pulled me behind him. we rushed into the trees. hed set up a picnic, there was a rug, a bag full of food and it was all covered by trees.

''Zayn I love you!" I snuggled into his side. "Come sit down."

"So what you wanna eat first? Pizza? Strawberries? Ive got cupcakes!"

"Pizza!" we finished the pizza in no time at all.

"Onto the cupcakes?" I said, giving him a sweet smile.

"Yeah if you want I mean we could.." He shook his head. "Onto cupcakes."

I wondered what it was he was trying to tell me.

"You didnt? Red velvet cupcakes!" I exclaimed.

I jumped onto him.

"Woah!" He said jokingly. I looked up at him and leant in kissing him tenderly.

"Im gonna miss you." I buried my head in his chest.

"Me too." he kissed my head. "Do you erm..wanna forget about the picnic?" He sounded nervous.

"In what way?" I wasnt sure where he was going with this.

I stood up.

"Zayn im not ready for that..I've never.."

"Excuse me? Ariana i never implyed that!" He was hurt, i knew it. "Come on lets just go back inside." H hauled the picnic basket and rug over his shoulder.

"Zayn." I whispered as i struggled to keep up with him.

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