When You're Found

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It was so dark.

Not a single beam of light...anywhere.

Thats what scared you the most.

Still sitting in front of the locked, entrance door, you slowly lifted your head, attempting to wipe away the ongoing tears.

'Stop it, (Y/N)! What would momma do if she saw you crying like a baby? You need. To be. Positive.'

You nodded at yourself, slowly picking yourself up and feeling your way around the building. Maybe you could find a place to hunker down until morning, surely your mother would be waiting then. She has to be. She promised to be back for you.

Taking tiny steps, you held your hands out, trying to feel for your tiny table you hid under earlier. Though, it seemed impossible at this point, you didn't even know what part of the restaurant you were in. You sighed in frustration, continuing on. This time, however, you found something...though it definitely tripped you up.


Some object was left on the floor, causing you to trip and fall, your right knee taking most of the fall. You yelped, grabbing a hold of your injured appendage, feeling a warm, sticky substance on your hand. This just made the water works start all over again. Tonight just wasn't your night. You were scared. Hungry. Tired. Hurt. You just wanted to go home.

"Momma!" You cried out. "P-Please! I want my momma!" You yelled out to no one, not being heard.

Actually...that's wasn't all correct.

Because, you were, indeed, heard.

Sobbing hard, you could suddenly hear different sounds of footsteps...thumps, actually. This caused you to quickly clam up and listen carefully. Was there someone here after all?

"H-Hello?" You sniffled. "Is there someone there?"

The loud footsteps stopped suddenly, but then they seemed to get closer to your location. Relief washed over you as you were finally getting some help! Though that was short lived when you felt like...someone was towering over you. Slowly looking up, you gasped. Four pairs of glowing eyes stared down. You screamed, quickly crawling away backwards, the eyes didn't let you out of their sights, quickly following you. You kept scrambling backwards but eventually you ran out of track and bumped into the wall behind you.

You were stuck.

More tears poured down as the eyes caught up with you, one of the set bending down to your height. You couldn't see what he was planning on doing, but you honestly didn't want to find out. "N-No, please! Don't hurt me! I just wanted my momma! I-I-!"

"Oh dear! The poor thing." You heard a woman's voice. You opened up your eyes and looked back up at the mysterious creatures.

"It's all right, honey bear! We're not going to hurt you." Now it was a male's voice. What?

"Bonnie, did you find the lights?!" The girl voice rang out again.

"Trying! The custodians didn't do a great job-ah!" The voice suddenly stopped, hearing a loud thud in its replacement. "...ouch! cleaning the floors." The other voices sighed above you.

Just as you were processing the whole ordeal, you felt a pair of hands grab you from under the arms and lifted you up in the air. You screamed again, struggling in his hold. "N-No! No!"

"Shhh, it's okay lil' lass, good ol' Freddy ain't gonna hurt ya!" With that being said, you went from being in the air to, what felt like, being cradled in the same arms.

"There." The voice cooed. "That must feel a lot better, hmm?"

You didn't get a chance to respond before the lights suddenly came alive, brightening up the place once again.

"Got it!" A voice in the background announced.

Now that you can see, you finally took a look at these mysterious figures. Looking around, you almost didn't believe, it couldn't even be possible. Right?

Being cradled in his arms...was the giant robotic bear that was preforming earlier that night. As well as the yellow chicken who stood right next to him, a nice warm, friend smile on her beak.

"Phew, finally!" The purple bunny was awake too! "Let there be light!" He chuckled, coming out from a back room.

But who was the other set of eyes?

Glancing at who stood on the bear's right side was someone you didn't want to see...the big, scary fox with the pointy hook for a hand. He was glancing down at you, showing his razor blade teeth. You could feel the color drain from your face as your tiny body shook with fright.

You cried out, scrambling to get out of the bear's comforting arms. All four animatronics quickly went from being nice, to concerned instantly.

"Whoa, whoa!" The bear adjusted you in hold as you thrashed about. "What happened, honey bear? What's wrong?"

"No! No!" You squealed, flaring your arms and legs.

"Aw, poor las! Are ye hurt? Want ol' Foxy to take a look?" The fox held his arms out for you, but you quickly scrambled back, stuffing your face into the brown bear's chest, tears pouring down once again.

"Oh dear! She's completely shaken." The chicken frowned.

"I wonder where she came from?" The bunny walked over, scratching the top of his head.

The bear ignored his friends, walking over to the main stage, sitting on the edge and placing you on his lap. "Oh sweetheart, please don't cry!" He tried to wipe away the tears with his fuzzy thumbs.

"I-I wanna *hic* g-go home!" You wailed, rubbing your eyes with your fists. The bear frowned.

"Shh, now now, it's okay." He brought you into an embrace, having you cry into his shoulder, rubbing your trembling back in comforting way. "Shh, let's try to calm down, we don't wanna be sick, now do we?"

At this point, the other three joined their friend, worried glances evident on all three faces. "Gosh, what do we do, Freddy?" The chicken asked.

He didn't answer, only bringing you out from his shoulder, continuing to wipe away all of the tears as you sniffled and hiccuped. "There we go, all better?." He cooed down at you. You looked up at him through wet lashes.

"Hi there, kiddo!" He beamed. "What ever has happened? Where's your mommy and daddy? Are you lost?"

You sniffled, using your sleeve to wipe your nose. "M-My momma...w-went to get her special m-medicine, b-but never came b-back!" You started to cry again. "S-She promised to c-come back!"

"Oh no!" The chicken sat next the bear's side. "It's okay, girlie! Don't cry! Everything's going to be okay! Don't cry!"

You hid your face in your hands. "M-Momma!"

The purple bunny's ears went down as he looked down at you sadly, but quickly smiled again. "I have an idea!" Before anyone could process anything, you were snagged from the bear's arms and placed on the rabbit's hip. He bounced you slightly to get your attention.

"Hey, look at me!"

You slowly removed your hands, seeing that the animatronic started to make funny, goofy faces at you. It didn't seem to work at first, but as he continued, your crying went to sniffles, that then went to a small smile.

"Much better!" He beamed, going over to the sitting bear. "And if you think that's funny, watch this!" Out of nowhere, the rabbit bonked his friend on the nose, causing a small honk to be heard. He did it a few more times before you burst out in giggles, especially seeing the bear get annoyed.

He slapped the rabbit's hand away. "Alright, enough!" He glared. "You know I hate that!"

"Yeah, but she likes it!" The rabbit smiled, tickling slightly, causing you to let out more giggles.

The chicken and the fox laughed as well, as their other friend just rolled his eyes, thought he couldn't hid the faint smile that formed later on. "Okay, playtime's over." He chuckled, taking you back and placing you on the stage floor. "Alright, honey bear, are you able to tell us your name?"

"Um..." you looked down, playing with a loose strand of string that dangled from your sweater. "I-I'm (Y/N)."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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