No not Jealousy

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     The next at school was a living hell. All her friends had boyfriends and were ignoring her and acting like Lesia was Regina George, and they were Gretchen and Karen. At lunch instead of sitting with them she sat with a nice Canadian girl (even tho we all know canadas not real). At recess she hung out with her on the swings. I'm the last 5 minutes of recess Stan walked up to Wendy, "So um Wendy?"

  Wendy looked away from Charlotte and looked at her boyfriend, "Yea Stan?"

  He looked very nervous, "So you all the guys are bragging about how hot their girlfriends are, and uh the pictures I have of you are pretty old," he broke eye contact with her, "So I was wondering if I could have a updated photo of you?"

   She didn't get what he was asking for a second but then the realization came flooding in, "What! You want me to photoshop myself just so you brag to your friends how pretty and fake I am?" She asked him standing up from the swings. 

   Stan looked at her blankly as she lectured him about how the pictures were fake and that anyone that thought were real is the stupidest fuck ever, and how she would never alter her picture, and about how girls need better role models. Stan listened throughout the rest of recess and into the halls. After that Wendy walked off leaving him alone and feeling kinda bad. Kyle walked over to him and started talking so he forgot about it. The next couple days went by in a similar fashion. On Friday they had cheer practice again and everyone seemed to be against Wendy. When they were doing the roll call everyone was enthusiastic but when it got to Wendy she simply just said her name. Bebe scoffed, "Can we try one without Wendy please?"

  Red crossed her arms, "Yea please, she's ruining the whole thing."

 Wendy stood there shocked that her friends said those things to her. But Lesia intervened, "Guys it's ok, we just need to give Wendy a chance and be nice to her."

     Bebe snorted and walked off with red at her side. Wendy was heartbroken, as she watched her best friend walk off and while listening to Lesia's words, "Wendy you just need to hit the gym like us. Everything will get better. Everyone will like you cause you'll be pretty!"

   Wendy shut her eyes and shook her head, "No.That's not right Lesia." She said quietly.

   The rest of practice was miserable. After she got home she was really hungry but walked past the kitchen and into her bedroom. She opened her drawer of magazines and flipped through them in a trance. Looking at all the beautiful women, they all the same thing in common, skinny with a small waist and big boobs. It made her sad, "I don't have to live up to this beauty standard, I mean I'm only in 4th grade. Right?" She thought sadly. After a long time of looking through magazines and instagram she finally felt tired and very, very hungry, "I'm tired, I'll just eat a lot for breakfast." She slipped away into slumber.

    She woke up at 8:24am. Her stomach hurt from hunger, she quickly rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, spoon, cereal, and milk. She ate her fruit loops very fast. Afterwards she felt worlds better. Her parents were still asleep so for the morning she watched what she could find on Netflix. 


   Wendy never really minded going to school, but these past couple weeks she was always filled with anger walking into the bright yellow building. At lunch she hung with Charlotte again and at recess, they started becoming good friends over the week.


Wendy was at her locker grabbing some extra paper. As she was walking of Stan stopped her, "Hey Wendy."

She turned around annoyed remembering what he wanted the last time they had talked, "What Stan?" She asked trying to not sound angry.

  "I just wanted to ask if I could photoshop a photo of you?" He said crossing his right hands fingers in hope.

   "Stan! No you can't."

  "Wendy I'm don't wanna be made fun of by the guys."

 She walked closer to him, "If I let you photoshop me then everyone will think I look a different way then I do. And I don't want that," she looked at sadly, "And plus everyone has their imperfections!" Now she was starting to get mad, "I have pimples on my forehead! You have short legs," she pointed down at his legs. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Wendy, "Bebe has acne, Annie's hair is to frizzy, Lesia Buger is over weight, and Hedi Turners but is flat!" She shouted.

  She turned around to walk away but was greeted with angry stares from all the girls and Mr.Mackey, "Damit," she mumbled.

  "You hater!" Bebe yelled.

 "In my office right now Mkay?!" Mr.Mackey said sternly.

  She walked with Mr.Mackey to his counselors office and sat down, "Wendy you seem to have a real big jealousy problem, Mkay? And what you said about those girls is not Mkay."

  "I'm not jealous."

Mr.Mackey raised an eyebrow, "You seem pretty jelly to me." 

Wendy rolled her eyes, "I'm not jealous of those fake photos if that's what you're talking about."

"Mkay, Mabye those photos of those girls aren't real but what you said about them wasn't nice, Mkay?"

"It's the truth thought Mr.Mackey," Wendy tried to reason.

"It may be, but the truth also is that your jelly! Mkay?"

Mr.Mackey grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down, "Please sign here," he pointed at a crooked line he drew. 

  Wendy read over it, it just said that she accepts that she's jelly and that she's sorry, "Your not getting out of here till you sign  it mkay."

 She sighed and picked a pen and wrote her name on the line, "Here," she said quietly.

He took the paper and looked at it, "Mkay your free to go now."

Mrs.Potato Head||Bendy South Park☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora