Giving up

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    Wendy walked out of Mr.Mackey's office and straight to class, she had math. The class right before lunch. She stood outside the door, "Shit," she muttered.

     Mr.Mackey hadn't given her a late pass. It's fine I'll just explain I was the counselors office and he forgot to write a pass. She pushed the door open and went inside. The teacher starred for a second but got right back to teaching which told Wendy she could sit down. Today they were learning about fractions, decimals, and percents. She listened intently while Mrs.Patrick explained the concept of turning decimals to fractions, and then fractions to percents. The bell rings and Wendy packs up her notes and pencils, and heads of to lunch to meet Charlotte. 

   After she had gotten her lunch from Chef she navigated to the corner table where they usually sit together. Once she had gotten there she stopped in her tracks. Butters was sitting there laughing, and talking to Charlotte. After a moment of staring Charlotte noticed Wendy, "Oh hey Wendy! Is it ok if Butters sits with us today?"

  Wendy would've said no, but it looked like Charlotte was having fun talking to Butters, "Sure," she says nicely.

   Butters would occasionally look at Wendy nervously. She kept her mouth shut unless Charlotte spoke to her. At resses she felt like a third wheel. So today she felt even more miserable, and on top of that she had a cheering thing that night. She stills love's cheer, just not the people in it so much anymore. 


    Wendy stood at the end of the cheer line like always. The crowd was quiet until Wendy yelled out, "Cheer roll call!" She tried to sound enthusiastic.

  "Red!" The crowd cheered.

"Bebe!" The cheered louder.

The rest went and everyone was going crazy, especially for Lesia. Then it was finally Wendy's turn, the moment she was a little nervous for, "Wendy!" 


  She let her arms drop back to her sides with a scowl on her face. They all continued on until halftime was over. She was the first and last out of the locker room. Her dad said he'd be late to pick her up so she wandered the halls grimly. Soon she found her way to the computer room, the very place where it all started. She clicked to photoshop and pulled up her class photo. It was a nice picture she always thought, she looked at herself thinking about how everyone would pick it apart. About how she doesn't have straight enough hair, or about she doesn't look enough like Paris Hilton. Lately the girls were also obsessed with her.  She started clicking things, and making things look better. She looked at her better picture, it looked better, she looked pretty. *click* uploaded. She sat there and stared until a *ping* snapped her out of the trance, her dad was there.

 Oooommmggg I love writing this fic sooo much. It's actually really fun for me to write and I hope u guys like it as much as me lol

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