Chapter 4

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A groan came from Arlo, feeling something poke his cheek. He opened his eyes, finding Faith staring down at him, her finger prodding his cheek. He narrowed his eyes at her, getting a simple smile in return. "You have a death wish don't you?"Arlo asks Faith giggling in response. "Can we go out, but not for too long, I promised Seraphina I'd go somewhere with her"Faith asks. He sighed, knowing if he said no she'd pout then get dressed and go off on her own to who knows where. He grabbed Faith, laying her back down, his arm around her waist. Faith pouted, his arm tightening around her. "Let's go"Arlo sighed getting up. She beamed and hopped out the bed, following him excitedly. "Where are we going today?"Arlo asks opening the kitchen cabinet. He grabbed the bag of dog food, pouring Chelsey half a bowl. "A walk to the park and back!"Faith beamed. He looked at the clock, noticing it was seven in the morning, then back at Faith.

"You woke me this early for a walk?"Arlo sighed shaking his head. He watched her bow her head, a sigh coming from her. He grumbled and pulled her into a hug. "Be lucky I love you, now go get dressed before I go back to bed"Arlo mumbles. Faith snorts in amusement and skips away. He kneels down, ruffling Chelsey's fur up. "Had a good sleep? I didn't mommy woke me up"Arlo smirked getting a bark from the dog in response. "You're so lucky"Arlo chuckles patting the dogs head. Faith walked out wearing a peach tan off shoulder ruffle shirt with white shorts and white sneakers with peach tan stripes on them. He perked up, noticing she was wearing the matching earrings and necklace he gave her. "Go change"Faith smiled snapping him out of it. He got up and walked past her, Chelsey's  excited barking coming from behind him. Faith smiled, picking the wriggling dog up, laughing in amusement. Arlo walked out, staring at the two.

He placed his hands on her shoulder, startling her. Faith set Chelsey down, and turned to him. "Ready to go?"Faith smiled. He wrapped his arms around her waist, his forehead resting against hers. "Arlo"Faith blinked placing a hand on his shoulder. "If I ever do something shitty to you, you have permission to hit me as hard as you want.."Arlo says. She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his abdomen. "I'll hold you to that, now let's go!"Faith grinned. She grabbed Chelsey's leash, clipping one end to the dogs collar, laughing when the dog pulled her out of the opened door. "Calm down!"Faith chuckles. Arlo walked after her after locking the apartment door, the two walking down the sidewalk side by side. "Oh wait, I forgot m-"Faith starts. He placed a beret on her head, and smirked in amusement. "It was on the bed, surprised you wear such a cute thing"Arlo teased. "Big sis Lei gave it to me, she said it's from a lolita shop!"Faith says sounding proud and fond of Lei.

He snorted, fixing the beret so it didn't fall off. "Oh, the convenience store!"Faith says pointing. "Water or strawberry lemonade?"Arlo asks. "Water, I forgot my water bottle..."Faith says ashamed. He snorted once more and walked inside, leaving her to calm down Chelsey. "Excuse me." She turned, finding a peach pink hair and with cotton candy pink tips, purple-blue eyes meeting her red ones. She knew who this was. She remembered this girl back from the Caretakers Room, one of Lilith's prissy friends. "Faith, it's been so long!"Deva beamed. Deva hugged her tight, Chelsey growling at the friendly girl. "Lilith has been worried about you! Why haven't you been writing!"Deva scolds moving back. Silence came from Faith, her eyes wide as a dark look spread across her face. "Here's your water." Hands pulled her back, Faith looking up to find Arlo staring Deva down.

"Who are you?"Deva demands. "Her boyfriend, and it seems I've meet an ex friend"Arlo scowled. Deva stared in shock, her eyes darting between the two. Her fingers curled into a fist as she forced a smile onto her face. "Aha, funny joke! I've known Faith for a long time, she's not interested in romance"Deva chuckled. She flinched back at Arlo's glare, the male grabbing Chelsey's leash to keep the dog from biting. Deva looked at Faith. "Faith, we're still friends right, I've missed you"Deva smiled Faith stiffening when she reached for her. A hand grabbed her wrist, Arlo staring her down. "D-Did I do something wrong?"Deva asks. He shoved her back, and grabbed Faith's hand. "Leave her alone"Arlo commands turning away with Faith beside him. Deva stared after him, scowling as she bit her nail. "Of course the bitch found herself a bodyguard, hiding behind strong people is all she knows how to do"Deva cursed. "Lilith isn't gonna be happy"

Faith looked down, sitting on the couch back in Arlo's apartment. Arlo stared her down with crossed arms, his eyes narrowed at her. "Faith, who was that and why did you look so scared of her"Arlo demands. "You're worrying too much!"Faith chuckles forcing a smile. His gaze on her hardened, the tall male stepping closer. "The truth"Arlo commands sitting beside her. She looked down and sighed, giving in. "Deva was an old friend of mines, but we had a fallout! I was just afraid she'd still hate me after all this time"Faith lied looking up at him. She stared up at him, Arlo looking away. "Next time someone harasses you, tell me"Arlo sighed. She blinked up at him, her phone buzzing. "Seraphina?"Arlo asks as Faith pulled her phone out. "Yep, I'll see you later"Faith nods getting to her feet. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. His hands went to the back of her head, braiding it into a single braid that went down her back.

"Have fun"Arlo says pushing her away when he was done. "Jerk"Faith grumbles. He grabbed her wrist again and pulled her down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Now go"Arlo smirked releasing her. She had the right to hit this man but she'd do that when she gets back. It's been a while since she's really went shopping. The last time she went was a few weeks ago with Remi because she needed new shoes for her outfits. She headed outside, waving to her friend, the two chatting as they headed to John's house. He was gonna be so happy to see them both there for him, to drag him along to go shopping. Not to mention only John and Seraphina knew what her real ability was, since she trusted them enough to spill the beans about it. "Arlo treating you right, tell me if he's not so I can teach him a lesson"Seraphina says. "No, no! He's treating me alright, we had a fun walk today!"Faith beamed. Seraphina pulled her phone out, going to her calls.

"Hello." Faith muffled her giggles, Seraphina holding the phone between them at full volume. "Hey I need to make a trip to the mall, will you come with me? Faith is here as well"Seraphina says. "Hey John!"Faith smiled. "Ah, sh-shopping? Sorry, but I'm kinda busy right now"John responds from the other side. The two looked at each other and playfully rolled their eyes. "Oh, really?"Faith grinned walking up the stairs beside her bestie. "Y-yeah, my place is a mess... It'll take all day to clean." The two girls rolled their eyes again at his antics. "If you'd just move into the dorms like all the other guys, this wouldn't be a problem anymore"Seraphina retorts. "Then I'd have to worry about my life"John corrects. "True"Faith says. "Hm, that's really too bad then"Seraphina comments. "Yeah and-" Seraphina rung the doorbell. She handed her phone to Faith, the other girl holding away at arms length. "YOU'RE BOTH ALREADY OUTSIDE?"

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