Chapter 24

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Faith walked to the garden where her tea party was being held. She was wearing a sky blue off shoulder dress with purple freckle like spots around the skirt part, along with a large purple ribbon on the chest part that had a large crystal blue diamond in the middle. There were rose patterns along the skirt of it, miniature bows decorating around the waist part, a flower clip in her hair as her cloud white hair flowed down her back. She really didn't want to meet the children of authority members. They were gonna judge. They were gonna hate her. They'd judge and hate her. Her presence was a danger now that the family had gotten bigger. Her grandfather planned on revealing her to the press soon. "Let's just endure this an-"Faith starts. "Lady Faith!" She looked up, her eyes widening at all the bright and welcoming smiles coming her way. "It's an honor to be invited!"A girl with heather peach hair greeted. She stared in surprise, feeling how genuine she was being.

"A beautiful dress!"A black haired girl greets. A girl with rose pink hair smiled wide at her, looking amazed. "So beautiful!" The girl giggled. "Oh..thank you.."Livia mutters. A girl with dark skin stayed silent, green eyes looking away with arms crossed over her chest. Faith perked up and smiled. Tori waved to her, giggling happily. "Shall we begin?"Faith smiled beckoning her guard over. Merold led them all to the party spot, a picnic blanket with a variety of snacks was there, along with tea cups and a few tea pots. Faith giggled, smiling as the girls talked. "I never got your names, I only know Tori"Faith smiled. "How lucky"One of the girls gasped looking enviously at a giggling Tori. "My name is Marianne! Over there is Octavia, Christine and Runa"The rose pink girl beamed. Faith nodded, looking at the heather peach colored girl who was Runa and the black haired girl who was Christine, then to the dark skinned girl, Octavia. "You all have lovely names, I really like them"Faith comments.

"Thank you!"Runa beamed her eyes sparkling. She fiddled with her dress, wishing Seraphina and John were here with her to make her feel more at ease. She shook off that thought, needing to make friends without them since she couldn't depend on them forever. Her goal was to reach twenty years old and let Neil kill her. She stopped, now wondering if she really wanted to die. The moments she's made with others was something she wanted to keep with her rather than loose. She gripped her dress, now unsure of whether she wished to live or die. "Octavia, where are you going!"Tori asks Christine looking over. Octavia walked away and sat from the group, looking down. Faith blinked then got to her feet and headed over to the silent girl. "Is there something wrong?"Faith asks hoping she wasn't already failing with her guests after only a few minutes in. "I hate dresses..."Octavia mutters trembling. Silence followed, then Faith whistled. Instantly Merold was at her side, Ellie and Rose.

"Can you bring her one of my boy clothes?"Faith asks Octavia looking at her in shock. She understood how Octavia felt about wearing dresses. As she grew she thought she grew out of them but really she was embarrassed to be in them because Lilith and the others would tell her that dresses only suited people who were beautiful. Now that she could wear them again, she felt more safe than she had been before. Rose put up a quilt for Octavia to change, Faith handing the girl new clothes. Runa and the others watched curiously, then gasped in surprise as Octavia walked out wearing a white button up with a ruffle tie and black pants but she kept her heels on. Clapping followed, smiles on everyone's faces. Relief went through Faith at how much more relaxed and comfortable her guest looked. "Lady Faith, thank you"Octavia mutters. "Of course! I wasn't fond of dresses at first, so I knew how you feel!"Faith giggled beaming at her.

"Wasn't there supposed to be one more guest?"Runa asks suddenly. Faith perked up, quickly counting the other girls, noticing that one was indeed missing. "Wait, Piper didn't come to the tea party!"Marianne asks surprised. "Lady Faith, did you not invite Piper?"Octavia asks holding a half bitten cookie. "She's on the guest list, I wrote it with my cousin Astrid's help..."Faith answers. "Right here." Faith looked up, her eyes widening in shock. Lilith stood there smiling, the girl who seemed to be Piper standing beside her. "Sorry for being late, I got lost on the way and this girl helped me"Piper mutters rubbing her arm. "Hello Faith"Lilith greets. Faith scowled, rage filling her as her fists gripped her dress. Her eyes glowed, mini stars beginning to circle her. Octavia stared at Faith's expression and then shot to her feet, glaring at Lilith with a look of dangerous warning. "You need to leave!"Octavia orders. "Yes! Leave!"Runa agreed. Christine held an arm out in front of Faith, her eyes narrowed.

Surprise made it's way onto faith's face, looking at the girls stunned. Even Tori had a hostile expression on her face. "Oh that hurts, but I got to see Faith even though it was for a second, but I'll leave"Lilith sighed turning away. Piper frowned at Lilith "Bye Faith~"Lilith giggled waving to her. Lilith bumped into someone, her eyes widening as she stared at Ferocious. "Hello there handsome, where did you just come from"Lilith greets flashing him one of her signature smiles. Ferocious stared down at her, tilting his head to the side. Faith glared at her annoying brother, letting out a huff. "Mind showing me to the exit?"Lilith giggled tilting her head to the side. "....Pacify her"Ferocious says looking away. Shocked looks appeared on Faith and Lilith's faces, both staring at him. "She's getting on my nerves"Ferocious went on looking back down at Lilith. "You're not worth my stop lying to yourself"Ferocious glared. Lilith gritted her teeth, turning on her heel and storming away.

"Ferocious?"Faith blinked as he walked over to her. He set down the gifts he had sent her before, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry..."Ferocious mutters turning away. She shot up and grabbed his sleeves. "HOLD ON RIGHT THERE!!!"Faith yells glaring at him. "YOU HAVE TO SAY MORE THAN THAT!"Faith snapped getting a startled look from her triplet brother. For some reason, she wanted her brother around. She wanted him to join the rest of the family and be whole with them. She didn't want to see him standing in the darkness by himself. "WELL!?"Faith demands needing to get through to him. Ferocious stared, starting to tremble. "I'm sorry for being an asshole and for judging everyone, I was in the wrong....I was just so angry that my life had been complete shit before and I took it out on everyone"Ferocious mumbles his eyes tearing up. "I lost you, I lost mom...the servants disliked me and Fabulous for a long time, I lost Chelsea as well....."Ferocious went on.

"I have no excuse for my actions but...I am truly...genuinely...sorry"Ferocious says tears falling down his cheeks. "YOU ASSHOLE!"Faith yells punching his chest. "I'm sorry"Ferocious mutters taking the hits with ease. She sniffled, rubbing her eyes. "I'm so sorry"Ferocious sighed placing a hand on her head. "Here, Lady Faith." Faith looked up, finding her friends standing there. Runa smiled, holding out a handkerchief. Faith took the item with a grateful smile, wiping her tears away. "Your eyes will get puffy if you cry"Tori giggled smiling at her. "I wouldn't be able to look at you!"Octavia joked grinning. Faith giggled, Christine rubbing her back. "My Lady, we should finish the tea party"Merold suggests. "Yes!"Faith beaned. She knew what she wanted now. She wanted to live and keep her friends and family safe. That was her new goal now. Grandal watched the party from a window and smiled softly, watching the girls laugh and smile with one another. "Welcome to the family, Faith Star."

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