chapter two

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the day of the party at jing yuan's place came. y/n was getting kinda nervous because she has never been to any party before and she didn't know how one was supposed to act. usually, she would spend her time alone, in her room, playing games or drawing.

she got ready, putting on her thongs and some nice clothes, not too elegant but also not too homeless-ish; just a sexy dress. she looked decent. she checked the address jing yuan gave her one more time before taking her second pair of thongs, putting it into her backpack and leaving the apartment; she always changed the thongs two times a day.

and, since she lived alone, she didn't have to worry about being home at a specific hour and because of that, she always had a pair of pj's with her; just in case.

the way to jing yuan's place wasn't so long. she didn't even need to change any bus; she could walk there if possible. but there she was, standing in front of jy's apartment and ringing the door bell, waiting for an answer. the wait was becoming long and she debated between staying or leaving but right when she was about to take her leave, the door opened, revealing a half naked jing yuan.
he had on only a pair of grey sweatpants and his hair was messy. y/n blushed, not expecting such a sight before her eyes.

"ah! you're here early.. nobody has come yet, except for blade but he was here from yesterday already. oh and caelus and daniel heng are here too, i suppose." he motioned for her to enter and so she did. she took off her jacket and shoes and put them at the entrance, on the hanger and besides the others' shoes.

"well, i assumed i would come earlier but i didn't expect to be this early..." she said, kind of disappointed because she may have interrupted jing yuans sleep.

"don't worry that pretty head of yours, y/n. all that matters is that you are here now." jing yuan said, patting her back lightly as to not startle her. he was a snake; in all aspects of life. first, he lures girls in with his charm (and sexy looks) and then he fucks them. he just seems like he cant get enough of it.

nevertheless, she threw her bag somewhere where all the others' bags were and plopped herself on the couch, besides blade who was sitting there on his phone. when she took the seat besides him, he put his phone down, turning to look at her, 'greeting' her with a look y/n couldn't read. she nodded towards him, making a little wave with her hand.

"so am i staying here tonight or?" y/n asked jy, who was in the kitchen, cooking, probably, breakfast.
"i mean, if you want to. but the other rooms are occupied and you don't have any other choice than to sleep with either me or blade. it's up to you." he replied as he flipped the egg on the other side in the pan.

it was a weird situation, but y/n accepted sleeping with jing yuan since she knew him better. this week, ever since she transferred, her breaks revolved around staying on jing yuan's side all the time, so she knew a few things about him.

by a few things, she actually knew how he was like, the people he was friends with and such things. she didn't know shit about his family nor that he was a fuck boy. but she is yet to discover this.

it was now when people started appearing and flooded jing yuan's apartment. some of them went straight for the drinks, some went somewhere more secluded to smoke weed - of course caelus and daniel heng were the ones who started this - and some gathered in different places to spend time drinking and talking to friends. y/n was still seated on that couch with blade joined by jing yuan and a few of the laters acquaintances. she befriended some of them but it seemed like one of the girls there, kafka was her name, was giving y/n a few weird glances now and then. y/n didn't understand why but she played it cool.

the clock read 10 pm. if she were home now, y/n would either relax doing whatever she wanted or she would be sound asleep, lights on and the tv with the maximum volume turned on. that was just one way she usually fell asleep. but no, she had to be here, in this hell hole filled with high, drunk and horny students - not that she wasn't a student herself - who were only gossiping and talking shit about who knows what. it was boring, but she had to bear with it for the sake of jing yuan; he was her friend after all.

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