🍎Chapter 1 "How Shuchi met the others."

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1st chapter! Hope y'all enjoy!
Btw this chapter is their past alr? Also I put a random music on the top! Favorite music!

January 30th 2017

At this year Shuchi is 11 years old

Shuchi is at school
How Shuchi met Fizzy

Shuchi's POV:
I am feeling so lonely today. Hmm, maybe I should go talk to some people again but I'm to afraid though eh, if I wanted friends I should maybe be more active I guess. Then a vibrant green haired and eyes, looked at me I was confused so I stared at her back then she sat next to me I was even more confused I feel like I'm gonna explode then she introduced herself as "Fizzy Emerald", I also introduce myself and she's one years younger than me so I didn't really see her around only at recess though she seems like a pretty kind and caring girl we both became friends and grew closer and I felt different towards her.

February 14th 2019

At this year Shuchi is 13 years old

Shuchi is at school
How Shuchi met Earl

Shuchi's POV:
I feel so excited today! It's Valentines day!!! I hope somebody has a crush on me. But of course nobody since I barely talk to anybody except Fizzy and Sunny, when I entered school I saw a girl about the same age as me spying on  Sunny?! But anyways I approached the girl since strange behavior is against my schools rules

"Hello? What are you doing?" I asked politely

Earl's POV:
I was startled when I heard someone talking to me I turned around to see a vibrant light blue hair and eyes looking at me since I'm spying on my Precious Beloved Kohai
Don't mind this if I messed up since I don't even know what is Kohai or Senpai!!! Since I heard Yanderes have Senpai and Kohais so why not? Sorry for the mistake if it is anyways back to the story!  "Oh! Uh... Nothing! I just wanted to ask out this...Uh boy! Yeah boy! I was just a little nervous! I'm sorry if I'm acting a little strange!"
Earl's mind:"Oh shoot I'm dead meat!!!"
*Almost explodes*

Shuchi:"Oh, that's fine. But you should not spy on them since you should respect their privacy just gather up some courage and go talk to him or something. Alright see you around I guess."

*I sigh in relief*

Shuchi's POV:
I walked away my eyes still fixed on her but that day we kinda talked! I guess I made a new friend! But sometimes she acts pretty strange. And also I learned her name yes!! It's "Earl Lovata" what a cool name! But anyways me and Earl and Fizzy and Sunny we all became really close but sometimes me and Fizzy spot Earl spying on Sunny and Earl looks like she's in love with her.

November 1st 2018

At this year Shuchi is 12 years old

Shuchi is outside
How Shuchi met Sunny

Shuchi's POV:
YASSSSS!!! It's Halloween!!! My favorite event!!! I am very excited! I am extra excited since Fizzy is finally gonna come along Wohoo!! Me and Fizzy picked out some costumes she was a witch her favorite and I am? Uhh... A creepy doll? I guess what did Fizzy even gave to me?!! But anyways we went outside and went door to door trick or treating then while me and Fizzy are going to one of this mansion in our street then suddenly a FNAF costumed girl appeared out of nowhere me and Fizzy was startled then she apologized for scaring me and Fizzy and her name was "Sunny-Cha or Sunny Carterson" confusing. But anyways we also saw another girl beside Sunny but that ghost costumed girl never spoke nor those she show herself to us she just a little clingy to Sunny but anyways we all had fun Best Halloween ever!! And I made another friend again! I'm so happy! But a little strange event though but who cares at least I made another friend!

Guys kinda got tired since I have a lot of Ocs! That Shuchi met so Uhm there's gonna be part 2 soon! See ya soon!


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