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Prologue Zilla

Height: 50 meters (164 feet) tall

Weight: 20,000 metric tons

Hair color: Dark teal

Eye color: Light yellow

Gender: Male

Species: Mutated Iguana

Age: Unknown (estimated to be at least in his 10s-20s)


Semi-durable: He has the ability to shrug off conventional human weaponry that's to the hardened scales that cover his body.

Atomic Breath: Radiation that that's the form of either lime colored vapor or a green beam of radiation. The lime colored vapor version is hot enough to melt metal & can cause raging fires that can spread city blocks. Meanwhile, the laser version is able to blow up buildings & can even slice them up. Either way, the radiation has to come out.

Nuclear Countdown: A version of Prologue Zilla's atomic breath where instead to releasing a normal beam of radiation or the vapor he holds it back & this causes his dorsal plates to rise up out of his body. Once the final dorsal plate is up they shoot back into his back & he releases a mini nuclear explosion that can level blocks of cities & can shoot radioactive dust 400 miles across from the explosion sight.

Amphibiousness: Thanks to being an ambitious reptile before becoming kaiju sized Zilla can swim or walk in the water, but he prefers to swim. He can be in the water for long amounts of time, & can live on land for long periods of time too.

Physical Ability: Zilla employed his claws, fangs, & brute strength to tear through Paris for a little while.


Drills: While Zilla can shrug off conventional weaponry & missiles, he couldn't be able to ignore the drill missiles the French military used that would tear his hardened scales open & since the tip of the drill has a sensor that once it detects flash the missile would go off causing flash to be exposed.

Temperament: Zilla's temperament usually gets the better of his & he gets cocky especially since he is still a juvenile.

Nuclear Countdown: While the Nuclear Countdown can be good with taking targets off the census it can also be damaging for out kaiju friend here. That's because once the blast goes off Zilla's dorsal plates will blow up too, adding more power to the blast. But this can also expose more of Zilla's flesh.


Heisei Zilla

Height: 80 meter (1984-1989)-100 meters (1991-1995) tall

Weight: 50,000 (1984-1989)-60,000 (1991-1995) metric tons

Hair color: Light gray teal

Eye color: Lava orange-red

Gender: Male

Species: Mutated Iguana

Age: Unknown (estimated to be at least in his 40s-50s)


Atomic Breath: As Zilla's dorsal plates glow green he releases a very powerful beam of radiation from his mouth that burns at 50,000 degrees Celsius & can deliver serious wounds to other kaiju when fired at point-blank range.

Spiral Heat Ray: A stronger variant of the atomic breath & wrapped in an electric spiral.

Nuclear Pulse: Zilla can emit a powerful atomic energy blast in every direction from his body in a short ranged attack. It's theorized by Dr. Anthony Yearling that this is a much weaker version of the Nuclear Countdown attack in back 1976. However, it's also theorized that Zilla can't do the Nuclear Countdown anymore & opted for something different that won't cause him harm. But that's just a theory.

Durability: Zilla's durability has increased after his first appearance in 1976 his durability it due to the scales on his skin getting a much needed evolutionary makeover. He's now resistant & durable to all forms of human weaponry. His healing factor is now enhanced but it doesn't grant him unlimited stamina in battle & his healing has to take time to finish as well.

Amphibiousness: Thanks to being an ambitious reptile before becoming kaiju sized Zilla can swim or walk in the water, but he prefers to swim. He can be in the water for long amounts of time, & can live on land for long periods of time too.

Intelligence: Capable of independent thought, he always assess the situation of a battle, & can mourn too.

Energy Absorption: With the ability to consume radiation for more energy for later, it's more effective that trying to hunt down smaller animals for food. Yes, Zilla can eat other organisms, & possibly other kaiju, for energy it's just that it wastes his time. Or at least that's how he views it.

Physical Ability: Zilla is pretty agile on his feet however he prefers to battle from a distance, however if forced to battle up close then he will viciously display his strength, & bite force, punching, & tail whipping.


Weakness to Cadmium

Anti-Nuclear Bacteria


Dr. Jackson Anthony Yearling

Height: 6 ft. 7 in.

Weight: 198 lbs.

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Sky blue

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian & Asian

Ethnicity: 40% Irish, 50% Japanese-American, & 10% German

Age: 20 years old


After Zilla's sudden & short lived attack on Paris. Anthony's father, Jackson Alex Yearling, died while trying to get the other people in the Cafe into the bunker as quick as possible. The two looked dead in the eye & ever since Anthony has had a deep fear & hatred for Zilla.

When he turned 18 he applied for a job as a scientist in G-force & when he turned 20 was promoted to head scientist of animals mutated into kaiju. He's also the head scientist for the development of weapons to kill kaiju as well.

I hope you all enjoy the story & that's all for now, until next time, VirtualVirus out.

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