AFTER SCHOOL in Raveen's house

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        ✨📍 REENS POV ✨

I tried to make small talk but all she was saying was "yea..yep..mmhmm crazy" and it was making me feel like she actually doesn't want to talk to me.
...we got to my matte black g wagon...what can I say.. personality has to match the car right.......

I unlocked the doors and made my way to the drives side...and got in and waited for Maya to get in since she was texting someone and by the looks of it she looked so pissed... cause she unlocked the back door thre her bag ..and banged the door .....

   " Watch it!!" I yelled as I honked alil..." Don't bang my shit!! Like that ...okay..."

"Sorry "

    she said lowly as she opened and got in the passenger seat....

" You good...?"
I asked as we both buckled and I started to rev the car..

"Yea" she answered plainly and looked forward...

The drive was silent but not like awkward I'm okay..I'm comfortable with you being silent..... 

We pulled into our driveway in a few minutes....
" Eyo listen.. I have wierd brothers so don't take anything seriously.. they're just dumb..i told her as we both unbuckled and she started to get out out first then something dropped from her pocket on the car floor..but she didn't notice and and waited for me beside the passenger door...

I got my backpack and hers too and ..walked to the door she closed her door and followed soon after...

There was noone home .at the moment......

" Need anything?" I offered while placing the bags on the island stools ....

She just stood beside me and mouthed a quiet "no" which made no sense...the house was empty but anyway..

"Alright then ..take the stairs the second door on your right is my can go and set up .. while I fix something for us" i said opening th fridge and checking for some coke...

" You want a soda-?" I asked turning around and finding her already gone...
Huh! Wierd..she didn't even make a sound going up the stairs wierd! ..

I placed the colas on the counter and went to get cookies from the pantry... before I put them in my bagpack and carried hers as well ....

           I got to my room and found her tying her hair in a ponytail...

" Wow must be my lucky day" ......I said closing the door with my foot before i I placed her backpack on the whoppie cushion and took out the snacks ... placing them on the study table...

"I got you snacks incase you get hungry and...Here" I said as I threw her a canned coke. Which she caught really good..

" But we can do that later...." I said as I smirked and lick my lips walking towards her...

"So "..I started..we getting kinky or what" i jokingly said  as I sat on my foot beside her on the bed ..

" Listen Raveen , I'm not in the mood for whatever crazy fantasy or drug induced thing you have going on... So no we are not getting   in (air quotes) kinky.... Besides I don't even think your my type" she said as she walked over to the whoppie cushion where her bagpack was...

  " Oh so your saying I'm not your type.... Your really think so..... I mean I see how you blush when you look at me.." i sad as i got up slowly. ...

walking towards her ...her back was facing me I practically don't know what she was looking for in her backpack ...  So frantically that She didn't even hear  me get closer to her ,,,,  as i crept up on her.. till she was just inches ..away ...,,,

She turned quickly and found me behind her .....  just the way I wanted......she was still resisting to look at me so , I lifted her chin slowly... And made her look at me... if someone walked in it would have looked like she was on her knees almost giving me a bj

God this girl had eyes that did something to me... It's like my inner demons were being fed off her innocence and her attitude.... I wanted to eat this girl up so bad , I wonder how she tastes thou....

She was still staring at me like a scared little a jerry when tom trapped him in a corner.....

       "What did you say about me not being your type baby?!!   .I asked leaning forward to where she was .

" No-... nothing"... She stuttered... While looking up at me since she basically was sat on the floor  where the cushion was

I wanted to kiss her so bad but I don't think I should... It would be too obvious... So I just leaned really close to her lips and moved to her ear and whispered....
" Your so pretty  "..

. Then I patted her head like a lil kitten and turned around....

  ✨   MAYA'S POV ✨

WHHHEEUUUUUU that was so close... But still why didn't she kiss me .. that's the second time today .. she's doing these small moves,,, and then she just acts like it's not her who was stuck on me ...

Anyway I need to leave and I couldn't find my house keys anywhere.... ,I already started feeling uncomfortable and well I decided..I'll work on the project on my own,,, ...

    I gathered my strength and walked over to her  and she furrowed her eyebrows and watched as I composed myself.....

"Have you seen my house keys.?.. They have a cute keychain......"

" No sorry " she said coldly.  ......well if they're not here I guess I dropped them in your car ... Can we go btw my curfew is in 40 mins...

""Yea sure lemme grab a hoodie real quick.... "           
                 I was standing by her room door with my bag she was taking forever in there .....   Finally she came out , opened the door and we walked down with her behind me ,,,I felt like I was an animal in the zoo being constantly watched.......

On our way out I saw one of her brothers ......  

Aaron ...

" Hi so your the gi-.... Ow!!!! what was that for?!?!!!!"""

Reen punched his tummy...

" You better not finish that sentence if you wanna eat dinner tonight?!!" She spat out harshly

"" Okay okay fine hi I'm Aaron I'm the second eldest  brother it a pleasure to meet you-.??!...."


"Maya it's a pleasure to see you hope to see you soon"

Reen why'd you hit him thou ...?

"Nothing he was about to say something stupid .....any way shall we... ?""

           She said gesturing for us to continue walking

        We made it to her car i automatically took the door handle and felt her striking my hand ...  

    "Owww bro what was that for?.."..then she striked me again......

      "Wtf is wrong with you.....why you hitting me?......."

    "" One cause you couldn't get you clammy hand of the door handle and let me open it for you..... Whatchuu tryna do ... Makee look stupid.....?!!!???"

"And two"....

She said coming really close to me with a rbf...

      " Never call me bro ... Understand !!!!"

      "I'm not your brother I'm tryna fuuuoocckkk.   And put a ring on it " she said walking away backwards facing me while licking her lips... honestly that made me laugh alil bit

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