comfortable with you

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✨✨✨✨✨✨Maya's POV ✨ ✨✨✨✨

Raveen calmed down after sometime so I decided to hum to her my favourite panic tone by Billie eilish I love you....

"How'd you learn how to do that?" she asked in a shaky voice ... "The whole anxiety attack management thing..."

" Well when I was in therapy afew years back my therapist used to do that to me .... Then she said the humming slows down the pressure...and calms your mind"......

" But seriously Maya... Why do you hurt yourself.?"

"... Do you wanna talk about it..."she said rubbing her thumb on the back on my fingers...

"I'm not really ready to talk about..... it but as soon as I am I'll let you know"...

and I wiped her cheeks with my thumb and kissed her softly on the cheek ...then she turned as I was finished.. .... And she gave me the most*I care about you eyes*

And its like I understood and gave her an I know smile then she pulled me up and I was straddling on her hips with my legs locked behind her waist and we started to rock side by side, listening to ... James Arthur certain things....,,, we stayed like that for some time... The brownie now really started to kick in ... So I offered we continue watching SpongeBob till it wears off ..then I can drop her home ......

Raveen sat up and let me lay on her tirries omg I wanted to touch them feel them but I was to drained to start something I couldn't finish,.. we cuddled up I was fitting her arms so closely and i drifted to sleep... The first time I actually relaxed my body... And I started dreaming

.... *Your still going to be stupid depressed bitch.. your the worst girlfriend ever dated.. I hate you .. your so ugly... I Hate your hair..*

I woke up shaking it was that same dream... I must have startled raveen cause she was alsoooo taking a nap..

"Are you okay mamas .....lay here with me.. C"mere "she said with her eyes half open using her hands pulling me closer by the waist and turning me around slowly so I was facing her ...she kissed my sweaty forehead " your fine okay it was just a bad dream... .... Okay your okay... Do you want me to cuddle you tighter... ?"

I nodded my head and got closer to her... Then she kissed my forehead my cheeks and my lips... Her half open eyes were so mesmerising.... When she kissed my lips then looked up at me I just felt safe and it like she could hear my thoughts,,,,, " your gonna be fine baby,, I got you... Aslong as I am here noone will hurt you ..I know you don't wanna lie here but you can learn to....if i could change the way ,that you see yourself you wouldn't wonder why your here.. they don't deserve you "she said rubbing over my scars..... And tucking my loose braid behind my ear

She kissed me again and it became a makeoutt session, the purest makeoutt session...I felt like i unloaded all my worries on that kiss amd in no time i was asleep...

I reached out imy phone shit it was already 9pm... And mum called

I unlocked my phone and texted her I fell asleep..

(Ting ting...ting ting)

2 missed calls momma

7 missed calls bubbles...

Hey sorry I fell there anything you needed....

NOT really I just
WANTED to let you know I won't becoming home for a few days... I'm travelling with my boss for a team building... I've ordered some food for you it should be ther in an hour....
And also I'll send you money soon as I land

Oh okay..take care bye mum🖤

I got off my bed slowly I didn't wanna wake raveen up .. she looked so pretty and peaceful with her eyes I took my phone and put it on mute so the shatter sound doesn't wake her up ..when I took the pics...

I took one good photo and
" Delete that shit..." She said with a sleepy voice..." Don't make me delete it for you"she said throwing a pillow at me..

Make me I said walking up to my closest which was on her side of the bed...

" I've been waiting for those words my whole life" she said as she got out of bed quickly and chasing me to my closet...."ha! Gotcha! You aren't good at hiding mihá."she said placing me on her shoulder like a sack of beans msm" ...

She dropped me gently on the bed and pinned my arms ontop of my head and with the
Other hand she traced my face...

" You said make you right? I'm making you " then she pulled me closer to her by my waist and lifting me off the bed so I was in an upright position as she leaned her face towards mine and our nosetips were brushing eachother,,

" Now I'm gonna really make you" ... She said licking her lower lip like she was preparing for a meal....

She hovered ontop of me just looking at my face and stroking it with her thumb

" You really pretty..." ..she said with the softest tone " I wish you'd see that." she placed a soft kiss on my forehead ...

"But enough of that sappy shit right?".. let's finish what we started....and she attached her lips to mine while still hovering on me ..she used the hand she was supporting herself with to hold my hands down to my bed .... I was low-key still mad at her flirting with the girls in the mini mart... But now I needed her to show me she's mine......

" Hey what are you thinking about"she asked pausing looking at me with her now slightly hooded eyes ...and furrowed brows ...

"Well " ...I started as I sat up and she watched me in confusion..

"I saw you flirting with the girls in the minimart a while back ." I said bringing my knees closer to my chest...

She got up and walked a few steps back before she came and sat beside me and placed her hand on my thigh...

"Oh well I'm " she started unsure of what to say

" It's okay we're not dating or anything" I said hurriedly before she said anything else...

She just looked at me confused and full of thought but she didn't say anything..

" Wanna watch SpongeBob..."

" Sure " ....."u wanna cuddle while watching or u good?"

" I'm good " I lied thou it was tearing me up cause she wasn't mine...but we had sex right...

Wait no'm not letting this get to my head and I sat up next to her .... turned on netflix and rested my head on her shoulder....

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