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Geto laid his back down,his eyes gazing upwards as his arms were placed on his chest,he was wondering of his best friends fate, he clenched his fists in anger due to this, he wasn't strong enough to beat that damned 'Sorcerer Killer'  nor be able to protect the star plasma vessel, he grimaced at these thoughts, how could he be called one of the 'strongest' sorcerers of the Modern era if he couldn't protect his best friend and the star plasma vessel.

Geto continued to think of how he wasn't strong enough,his eyes still gazed at the clear white 'sky'.



"Still Moping I see." he jolted at the sudden sound,he sat up,turning to where the sound came from,his eyes narrowing at the general direction, he saw a orb?, he furrowed his brow looking at the being,before responding "Who are you?" , the sorceror questioned waiting for a response,"That is something You do not need to know." the being retorted,it's voice had so much authority it seemed like Geto was speaking to a higher being,though he stood firm,he placed his hands on the seemin clear white floor,pushing himself up,he stood firm,gazing at the being.

"And why must I not know?" ,the sorcerer retorted, it seemed the being sighed in response,humming it finally responded "You could say that, I am a higher life-form,a deity or a God, that's what you Mortals call anyway." the being responded,Geto was a bit taken a back 'God?,higher-life form?' it seemed a bit too much for the sorcerer,though he stabilized his thoughts, "If you are this so call "God?" he air quoted "Then is this supposed to be my trial, my Judgement?" he questioned.

"I suppose so,but You, you are different, I'm interested in you." the Deity paused before continueing on "I offer something that, may interest you."  this offer intrigued the sorcerer greatly but, 'An offer?,there's no way there has to be some sort of Drawback to this 'deal' the sorcerer thought, as his eyes narrowed at where the voice was,seeing nothing he dismissed this focused on what the deal was, "I'm...Intrigued though is there some sort of Draw Back, like having to give you something precious in return?, or something like that?" the sorcerer asked, the being hummed in response to this question before answering, "No, nothing absolutely no draw backs." the being responded.

"Then...What is it you are going to offer me?" the sorcerer asked, "Reincarnation." the being responded, the sorcerer was suprised by this offer 'Reincarnation?!' his thoughts were jumbled by the offer 'Why me, what makes me special or favourable enough for this offer?!' by then the sorcerer responded after being in his thoughts for quite a while.

"And why am I getting offered up for Reincarnation?" the sorcerer asked, the being looked now saying "I'm interested about you,this is all the information you're gonna get." the sorcerer's thoughts immediatly when to one thing, "And what of the fate of my Best Friend, Satoru?" the sorcerer asked, "You're friend is completly fine, he right now in-fact has already killed your killer." the being responded.

Geto Inwardly sighed in relief, his friend is alive and well, even killing the damned 'Sorcerer Killer' he wished to have seen the execution with his own two eyes but, whatever he'll just let it pass,now focusing back at the matter at hand, "I...Accept." the sorcerer said with determination in his eyes, the being seemingly smirked even when being completly invisible.

"Very well, Suguru Geto I hope for you Good Health." Immediatly after the sentence, Geto dropped from a sudden portal from where he was standing,it shocked Geto, he fell through the said portal and then.

Geto Suguru In a world Filled with Heroes and VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now