twenty six

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The sun. That was the first thing Robin saw that morning, the sun. It glared through the curtains no matter how tight they were closed, it always found a way in. This thought oddly reminded her of Leah.

No matter what Leah did, there would always be a somewhere for her to find a way back in. Did that make Robin forgiving or naive? She had drifted off into her thoughts, not even giving a second thought to where she was, who she was with, or what was about to happen. All she did was take one look at Leah, close her eyes and turn over, hoping for a little more time to sleep.

When she opened her eyes once again, she found a person in her face, crouched down at the side of the bed.

"I think I missed a few chapters, don't you?" Lauren breathed out a laugh as she spoke.

Robin palmed her forehead and nodded, carefully pulling herself out of the bed.

They both made their way into the bathroom where they could really talk, this also meant Lauren could ask as many questions as she wanted, and Robin knew there were going to be plenty.

"Wow, I mean, wow" Lauren stated, leaning on the sink.

"Yeah I know, then she asked to stay here and considering I had just threatened her roommate I felt I owed her that" I explained.

"No no no, you owe her nothing, not in this moment you don't" Lauren began coming to sit on the edge of the bath with me. "She hurt you, she made you feel so small and what to protect you? No, until she proves herself again, you owe her nothing at all."

I understood where Lauren was coming from, and it took a lot to agree with her but ultimately she was right, I didn't owe her a single thing. It was up to Leah to make this right.

A small knock came from the other side of the door, Lauren took the liberty of opening it exposing us to Leah and Leah to us.

"Im going to go down to breakfast, ill see you two down there in what say, ten minutes?" Leah and I both responded with a nod.

We may have made up and my god I missed her, but i definitely had not forgiven her just yet.

And with that Lauren left the room, leaving just me and Leah.

"Look, I know I have so much work to do in forgiving, but I need to ask if you would be willing to fully forgive me in the future and if this is something you and I can come through" Leah looked sad.

She looked tired, I can't imagine sharing a room with an ex that you hate is easy. The colour in her eyes were drained and I could see a hint of regret which proved to me she was sincere.

"I would definitely be willing to forgive you, I told you that last night but it wont be in a heartbeat and like I said if you ever speak to me the way you spoke to me again, you never existed."

"I completely understand, and I would never dream of it, love" Leah joined me on the bath "Match day today, how you feeling?"

I took a second to think about that, I felt like i hadn't thought about how I was feeling in a while.

"Light-headed, I probably just need food" I replied to her question.

"Breakfast?" Leah asked, standing up and holding out her hand.

I nodded in response and we both got changed and headed downstairs. Grabbing some food and taking a seat next to Lauren.

"Good or bad?" Lauren whispered.

"Productive" I whispered back.

Lauren gave me a nod and went back to her food. Knowing today was match day, I tried to get as much food down as possible praying this dizzy feeling would go away.

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