My boss*part 1

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you a bisexual work in a corporate finance office you were hired because of your background in business and accounting you have been working there for 3 months you've never really talked to your boss because you have no need to because you do your job and you make sure you do it right but all you do know from gossip around the office is that she is very harsh but you also herd that she is a lesbian and that she sometimes sleeps with employees lately she has been eyeing you and you keep thinking that you have done something wrong and that she is going to fire you but you just keep doing your job and make sure you do it right. One day you are called into her office and she starts the conversation by asking you what your favorite color is you say that it's purple but with a questioning look, she asks you if you really like it. You say yes then she says "I see" then asks you another question "Do you like ice cream?" again you reply with a yes. Then she asks if you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream. you say that it depends on your mood she then starts to ask if you are single or dating you reply with no because you have no interest in dating anyone right now she then stands up and walks in front of her desk and sits in the front of you she has a slight smirk on her face as she says, "Well, that's certainly convenient for you. But let's see if we can't change your mind about that one." She leans in closer and whispers in your ear, "I have a proposition for you." you are slightly confused but your interested so you ask what it is She then tells you that she wants one night alone with you to do whatever she wants to you As she speaks, you notice a mischievous glint in her eye and a hint of excitement in her voice. You feel a rush of excitement and anticipation as she leans in closer and whispers, "I have a proposition for you. One night, all mine. Nothing said in advance, no strings attached, no expectations." She pauses, waiting for your response. "why me"? you ask a little taking back You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to respond. The idea of a one-night stand with a stranger is both intriguing and dangerous. You take a deep breath and ask, "Why you?" She leans back in her chair and smiles, "Because I like you I want to know what you sound like when you cum I want to taste you when you dripping wet and have your thighs wrapped around my head and squeezing so tight I can't move" As she speaks, her eyes seem to darken with desire and a hint of aggression. You feel a mix of fear and excitement at the prospect of such an encounter. You decide to take a risk and agree to her proposition. She gives you a satisfied smirk and stands up, walking towards you. "good that's the answer I was hoping for" As she leans down and lightly grabs your chin she kisses you the kiss is full of lust and desire she then lets go and says," a little something to leave you on edge" she then stands up and walks back to her desk As she walks back to her desk, you feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. You're not sure what to expect from this one-night stand, but you know that you want it. You're willing to take the risk and go along with her proposition. She picks up a pen and a piece of paper and walks back over to you she gives it to you and tells you that it is a contract for what you are about to go through with she then tells you to take a minute and read it over. You take the pen and paper from her and read the terms of the contract. It states that you are to be her for the night and that she can do whatever she wants with you. You feel a mix of excitement and apprehension as you read the contract, wondering what exactly she has in mind. You look up at her and see the same desire and aggression in her eyes that you felt earlier. You nod, accepting the terms of the contract, and hand it back to her. She takes it and hands it back to you, saying, "Good. Now let's get started." She walks back to her desk and picks up a bottle of champagne.As she uncorks the bottle, you notice a glint of excitement in her eyes. She pours the champagne into two glasses and hands one to you. "To our night of passion," . she says with a smirk. You take a sip of the champagne and feel a warmth spread through your body. "good i will have my assistant send you a meeting time i will take you out to dinner so i will have her send you some dress options and what restaurant we will be attending"she says You nod, feeling a little nervous about the prospect of the evening ahead. As you stand up to leave, she grabs your hand and pulls you close to her. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," she whispers in your ear. You feel a rush of excitement and anticipation as she leads you out of her office and towards the elevator. 

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