Chapter 1

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I wake to the sound of my maids opening all my windows letting the warm sunshine hit my face. All my thoughts rush in and I jump up.

"Today is the day!"

 I exclaim to my maids Allison, Savannah, and Primrose. I start to freak out

 "I'm going to physically meet all these men today who will fight for my hand. Out of all those twenty boys, one is my soulmate, my future. But what if I don't find anyone right for me like those other stupid princes!"

 I realized it was improper to tell my maids all of this but I couldn't help it they were my best friends. Savannah starts to laugh then Allison and Primrose follow. I rise from my bed and my maids start to layer me up in clothing. I wanted to look not that regal today because some of them would be coming from poorer families and I did not want to intimate them. I wore a light, flowy lavender gown with silver accessories, and my hair was twisted up. We went to the bathroom and Allison ran through the boy's pictures and quizzed me on their names. 

"Stop" Savannah instructed while she did my makeup,

 "That boy is hot!" I laughed 

"His name is Anthony"

 "Well keep him" Savannah instructed 

"Will do" I laughed. "Perfect" I announce when we're finished.

"Well, what's the schedule for today?" Primrose started

 "The men arrived last night and met with your father to go over things and they are gathering in the assembly room this morning. You will join them and meet them all individually first before breaking your fast with your family and them in the Great Hall instead of the breakfast nook due to space. After that, you are not supposed to have an alone date with them till tomorrow. So you have morning classes with Hazel" 

"Noooo" I complain, I despised my lessons.

 " But your mom requested that you have lunch with her in the courtyard at One. The rest of the day is yours to do as you please, but dinner is at Seven so make sure you are in here by Six" 

"Thank you, Prim. Well, how much time do I have?" I question. 

"About a half hour" Savannah answers.

 "I think I will take some time alone thank you, you are dismissed." They all gave me their wishes of luck then left and I was finally by myself. As much as I love them sometimes I just need to think on my own.

I walked over to my balcony I took it all in I have grown up here my whole life and still have not seen all of this castle. Outside of my window, I can see the horse stales, gardens, the tower keep, and ponds. What I never noticed was the woods in the back it seemed no one went out there. I wondered how it would feel to run off in the woods escaping this feeling of anticipation I was excited this was finally happening but concerned what if there's just not the right person for me. What if I end up like my grandparents divorced. A married life full of affairs and hatred. No, I shall not.

I grew up knowing I would have to marry a stuffy prince or someone high in position, never did I think I would have a selection like my dad. I was the one who suggested it. Four years ago my brother, Cole, was supposed to have his but was shot by the Gremanish and the war began.

At the time princes were courting me but they were all annoying and mean. I expressed to my parents my worries and they promised I would not have to marry one of them. Our people are tense and need something to enjoy and I needed a husband so I got the idea of the selection. After a lot of thought, I approached my parents with the idea. Though a female has never done one they believed it would be good.

Now for the past three years, boys have been tested each year and the top ten were pollen. There were thirty but recently narrowed down to twenty after security measures, health checks, and more. Twenty boys all for me. Not even getting five minutes to myself there was i knock on my door. I left my window and opened the door.

A maid I did not know walked in

 " Your Highness" I cut in 

"Sam is fine" I do not like being called Your Highness casually I only want that when it is formal. She continued

 " Yes, The cook wanted you to approve the meals for the rest of the week" 

"Please tell her I trust her choices and do not have the time for more food checks." With a nod of her head, she left. I decided to leave too and see my Dad who does not go in the office till after breakfast.

I walked down the hall to his room and knocked. My Dad answered with a come in and I entered. He smiled when I walked in

 "Good morning sweetie, you look great, how are you?" 

"Great" I respond " and you?"

 " well I wish the war was over It just seems like it keeps getting worse and I worry for our people. But that's not what you wanted to talk about. What's on your mind?"

"Well I'm not exactly great" I admitted "I wondered if you could tell me how you felt and what you did when the selected arrived." My Dad inhaled and then laughed

 "Well, I was so nervous that I just busied myself with a lot of work to forget about it. When I met them, well I do not remember everything, but your mom caught my eye. I remember thinking when I met her she was insane. When she sat down with me she was like I do not wanna be here I have a boyfriend back home so do not try anything! My dad admitted.

"What! How come I did not know about this?" 

"Well Amilee was lying, she thought I would use her. But I am not like your grandparents." I knew my grandparent's situation and knew it was probably hard for my dad to grow up in that situation so I did not press on. My dad continued "But that was not even the worst. In the Women's room, Audrey told them all horror stories of me. One even asked to leave, I was so humiliated."

I laughed imagining Aunt Audrey doing that, it was something she would do. "Thank you Dad that calms me a bit I think I'm ready to meet them."

 "Want me to come with you?" Dad asked "Thank you for the offer, but no I want to start this on my own.

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