Chapter 2

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I braced myself before opening the door to the assembly room. It was scary to think my life would never be the same after this. Gathering my courage I opened the door and twenty curious eyes stared at me. They rose and I approached them.

 "Good morning, I'm grateful to start this exciting but serious adventure with you. I hope you are comfortable during your time with me. I would like to meet you all shortly before breakfast if that's alright." 

They all smiled at me telling me that they were fine but I could hardly look at anyone I was so nervous and my stomach was bouncing around.

"Would Aaron please join me over here?"

A tall brown-eyed tan skinned man walked over. 

"Good morning, your highness, how are you feeling?" 

We continued for about five more minutes. I asked him to bring the next one over. An average-height man with wavy blond hair and emerald green eyes strode over. He looked at me, smiled, and took my hand. 

"Samantha how lovely to meet you"

 then kissed my hand, which caused me to giggle.

 "And you to Adrien."

 I knew this face too well, he was a big model and was practically seen everywhere.

 "How did I obtain company with such a lovely woman?"

 He asked jokingly. 

"I'm just as surprised as I am to get to date the very famous Adrien Agusta." 

He chuckled. 

"Well, not many people know the real me, those are just images."

"Oh really" 

I faked surprise but he looked saddened at the thought. 

"Well, I hope to meet and learn the real you if you allow me. And I know how it feels, that no one knows the real me." 

"Anything for you princess." 

I felt my cheeks heat up. I quickly asked him to bring the next. The next few were pretty nervous or did not catch my attention much. Though one joked and flatt out and asked if I'd marry him, I did not think it was that funny. Jeremiah walked up stuck his hand out and spun me around. Laughing at his approach I questioned him 

"You are a dancer huh?" 

"Only when I feel tempted by such a beautiful girl." 

I smiled and thanked him. But gosh he was hot if I'm being honest. Bronzed skin with curly brunette-ash-blonde hair but his eyes are what got me, his ocean blue eyes, and also his strong muscles creeping out. I looked back at his face 

"Well, Jeremiah do you do any sports?" 

"I enjoy swimming and football but courting is more my sport." 

I laughed at his flirting, which was quite funny since he knew I could kill him if I took any of this offense. 

"Well I love swimming, maybe we can go together."

"That would be wonderful and maybe you could teach me a few games, I am not familiar with the traditional games you princesses play"

"I wish there were games but most royalty sticks to horseback riding or something else."

"It would be a dream to ride horses with you, especially with my arms wrapped around yours." He blushed realizing what he said. "Sorry, that sounded wrong I'll be a good boy."

 I gave him a smile explaining it was ok then He left after I excused him. After more men came but nothing too interesting until the last, Timothy. He was short and cropped blond hair. He came up, ran his hand through his hair then sat down. 

"Your Highness what a pleasure staying here has been. I want to tell you that the food is the best thing I have ever tasted!"

 I responded with giggling 

"Well when you are royalty you tend to get the best out of the best"

Timothy smiles and laughs

 "As expected but I was not prepared! I can see why everyone tries so hard to win your heart you have a great scene of humor." 

I was surprised at how much he made me laugh, and we continued like that for the next few minutes. When I left the boys I felt somewhat sorrowful. It was nice to talk to so many different types of people, it was comforting. I could not wait to hang out with them longer. Right before I headed to breakfast I stopped in my room to freshen up. Allison, Prim, and Savannah asked many questions, but there was simply not enough time to go through everything. After I promised I would catch them up with everything I headed down my hall to the dining room. On my way, I passed a guard I knew all too well. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture a little more strained. Me and Dominic have a long history, he grew up in the palace and we would play together. As we grew he took training and became a guard. Immediately I added him to my rotation. We usually would mess around the palace and talk, but a couple of nights ago he confessed that he had feelings for me and a while. I have never thought of him that way since middle school and admitted this to him. I was worried this would ruin our friendship, but he said he was fine but would take a bit to the normal way and space. He removed himself from my rotations and I have not seen him in a while. I have missed him, especially now amidst all of this. He is a friend I got to choose, unlike the rest of the people I am forced to communicate with. Now that he is back on my rotation I bet we will be talking again. I reach the dining hall and immediately notice all the cameras set up around the table. I sit down next to my mom.

 "They are taking shots for a special on getting to know the selected" 

My mom whispers in my ear. I nod in return immediately trying to look like an image of perfection. I knew this was coming and I was used to it, but that does not mean I want this. It makes everything seem commercialized and less personal. The boys entered and sat down while Lillana got a good look at all of them. Everyone was silent and focusing on eating and the room was tense. After debates in my head, I decided I should say something and try to make this meal enjoyable.

 "I think we should play a game." 

My Dad gives me a questioning look making sure I remember all my manners, but this just making conversation.

 "It will be a way for me to get a taste of your life." 

After the boys nod I begin to think of an appropriate question as fast as I can. I curse myself in my head I'm so stupid for not thinking of the question before I approached the idea. My mother noticed how stumped I was and quickly saved me. 

"What is your greatest talent?"

 I gave my mom a thankful smile and looked at an Indian gentleman asking him to start. I felt so bad for not knowing his name and he sensed I did not and said

 "I am Vernon and I believe my greatest strength would be my intelligence." 

The next gentleman I remembered his name, William, he was Lakeson mayor's son.


He blushed 

"This is a little embarrassing but I believe my scene of style is pretty good"

 Then so on, a few told me their humor and war strategy, which was probably to impress my father. Sports, hunting, and one dare said romance and caused me to choke on my water and the rest to laughter. Overall I thought it was a success but I knew I had to ask a question. 

"How about a question to compete with?" 

The boys looked intrigued and I knew this was going to be enjoyable. 

"What is your ideal date? And whichever sounds close to mine will be able to court me privately." 

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