Chapter 3

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My mom looked over at me after I announced that. I tried to give her a look back reassuring her that I had to start this somehow. 

"No one will be allowed to say the same thing so to make it fair we will draw sticks"

 I asked a maid to see to the sticks and she quickly left returning moments later. "Thank you" I whispered before she rushed away. 

"Jonathon, Daniel, Adrien, Michael, William, Jeremiah, Anthony, Jagger, Kyle, Richard, Timothy, Ben, Logan, Vernon, Aaron, Max, Cyrus, Wilson, Zac, and lastly Henery."

 Repeating all their names took me back when I pulled them all. I was so nervous we were broadcasting it live for everyone to see. All I could think about is one of these names I would say for the rest of my life if all goes to plan. Jonathon brought me back to reality when he started talking, but he had such a strong accent I could barely understand him and was a pretty dull man from what I remembered from my first meeting with him.

 "Um I think I would enjoy playing board games together," he paused for a second "Maybe with the family too that would be fun." 

that is not something I would do especially with my family on the first date, but I still gave him a reassuring smile communicating that I would enjoy that to be polite. Daniel said hiking. When Adrien started he took his time with his 

"I would want to sneak out and just wander through towns with no one knowing doing whatever we pleased. Maybe have a picnic and look out at the clouds."

 He spoke with such desire making me wish he would just grab my hand and we could escape together, but I was getting ahead of myself. It would be truly impossible to do this with the princess of Dephane. I bet he was trapped at his house as I am at mine, due to him being a famous model. I let everyone continue even though I knew Adrien won. I decided to keep that to myself for the time being. Michael picked going out for ice cream, which is my all-time favorite food ever. William a movie, Jeremiah a private picnic with me obviously, which made my mom hold back laughter. Anthony a sports game, and Jagger go to a cider mill, where he grew up. Kyle boating, Richard go to the beach, Timothy see a play, and Ben says just a nice dinner. Logan explore the castle, and Vernon said to quiz each other or math flashcards, which had to be my least favorite. Aaron picked video games that only the wealthy could obtain due to this modern technology. Max said private dancing, which I adore. Cyrus blanked, Wilson talking one one-on-one, Zac said do something outside, and Henery said a romantic dinner, which was similar to Bens but I let him pass. Though many good options were put out no one beat Adriens hopeless date. 

"Well, I will let you know who the is the winner at dinner thank you for participating." 

Cyrus looked away embarrassed for not answering but did not complain. I had to leave to attend my lessons with Hazel so I excused myself and walked up the stairs to my study room. She was already in there waiting to scold me.

 "What were you thinking? Playing games during a meal! Imagine what those boys think it is like to be royalty probably all fun and games you need to show them how it is." 

It seemed like the right thing to do and my father was fine with it so I do not understand why she is so bent out of shape. I did not bother telling her this because I knew she would just get more frustrated. 

"Well, today certainly showed we need to work more on your communications so listen up"

Hazel ranted.

 "I can not believe we are still going over this but you need to be more reserved. When you go out in public you must show that you are above the people."


 I interjected that made no sense 

"We are all human should'nt I be compassionate and lower myself with them I believe that is why many are upset with us because we look like a tyrant!" 

Hazel dismissed me like usual 

"Young lady watch your tone, you are not the king and are certainly not a nobody." 

In my head I rolled my head sometimes royalty was messed up but even though I hate myself for admitting this it did make sense. This continued for a few more hours and I was starving breakfast seemed so long ago and you can not work on an empty stomach. While Hazel was blabbing on about how to stay young and beautiful, like why do I need to know this, in the corner of my eyes I saw a maid waiting patiently by the door. 

"Uh, Hazel I believe I am supposed to have lunch with my mom thank you!" 

More like curse you but I did not bother to change my wording and followed the miss out. Once I reached the outdoors and the refreshing sun hit my face, I saw my mother sitting lost in her thoughts. 

"Darling come here sit we have much to talk about"

 I sat down and laughed

 "Sorry I kept you waiting" 

"No it is fine, I wanted to tell you I liked how you asked those questions in the morning. It relaxed many, I remember being stressed on my first day. It felt that everyone was judging my every move and that the royals were perfect. I also wanted to tell you that they are in a hard position too, they may dislike this process so be patient." 


My mom continued filling me in on everything while we were fanned. I waited wondering if she would bring up any of the guys or what I thought about them but she did not. My Mom always sticks to things she has to say and not much more except advice. I believe I was very fortunate for my parents, most royalty families marry for power not love. My parent's marriage has also changed our kingdom very much because instead of the king's, my dad's, focus is on our family not power like the rest of the monarchies. We talked for a little more while until she excused herself to the women's room to greet the mayor of Florence. I was left with nothing else to do so I went to my room and called for someone to sing and play music for me. My maids were designing me a new dress they stood up and left except Allison whom I motioned to stay. Before they were gone Savannah asked me teasingly 

"So no update yet?"

 "You will get one soon enough I just want to get some stuff done" 

Primrose piped in 

"No worries I bet you're tired." 

"Allison may we just plan my next few days"

 "Of course" 

She grabbed my calendar notebook and some ink before I began.

 "My goal is to go on seven dates this week so I will have met them all after about two and a half weeks "

"That sounds wise but I believe Your Majesty will want you to go through this a little faster."

 "Well, he will have to wait a little longer because I have much to do this week!" 

she nodded vigorously and I felt like sharing my first date announcement because it was constantly floating in and out of my head wanting to burst out telling everyone that I ,Samantha Catherine of Faraham is going on a real date! 

"Allison, I can not hold it in anymore can you keep a secret for just a little while?"

 "Of course, you can tell me anything"

 "Well basically you know the model Adrien Augusta well he oh I will not get into all the details but he won my first date!"

 I gushed. Allison raised her eyebrows wow what a catch and we both burst into laughter. 

"Ahhh soon before you know it I will already have my first real kiss" 

I have kissed people before, three to be exact, but they do not count because I knew they would not go anywhere.

 "You would be surprised how sweet he is so far he does not seem stuck up but we will have to see."

 Allison looked lost in thought and I assumed Thomas was on her mind. She snapped back and said,

 "Wow we have tons to talk about tonight but to let you know the French are coming next week."

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