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2D hated looking at his reflection. Because every time he did, he had to look at what was left of his eyes. He tried to avoid it whenever he could, but always found himself being haunted by it.
Every time he did, he couldn't help but wonder what he did wrong. What he did to deserve this.
He would do anything to just get back what was stolen from him. Anything.
..Wait. That's it.

Didn't he, like, sell his soul to 'become the best bass player ever'? How about he did the same thing, just for a different reason?
It was beyond drastic for someone like him, but.. he wanted this more than anything. Satanic rituals can't be that hard to perform on your own, right?
So he took a 'few' things from Murdoc's room. He would deal with Murdoc yelling at him later. This was more important than him.
He just hoped Russel or Noodle wouldn't get suspicious.

And so, he went into his room and started setting things up. Though he did stop himself a few times, pondering if he should actually really go through with this.
At one point, he considered backing out and just not doing it. But he wanted to. He needed to.
'Relax, 2D.' He told himself. 'If Murdoc could do it, so can you.'

He stared down at the piece of paper next to him, picking it up and reading over it one final time.
He took a deep breath to compose himself, and began reciting the words written on it...

Evil Eye (Gorillaz AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt