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2D woke up a few hours later. He yawned, then started to slowly unwrap the bandages on his head.
He tossed them into the trashcan in the corner of the room, but just narrowly missed it. He just hoped Murdoc didn't find it..
Right. How was he going to show this to everyone?
They'd probably immediately notice him if he went outside his room.. what else could he do? Text everyone to come here? Something like that?? Or—

Knock knock knock.

"2D? 2D, are you okay in there?"

Crap. That was Noodle.
Russel must have told her about the conversation thst they had earlier.
Speaking of Russel..

"D, open the door. We're all— me and Noodle are worried."

"Hey, you don't think I worry 'bout him?! He's my lead singer, for eff's sake! Of course I worry about him!"

"Sure didn't worry about him when you threw him out the windshield."

"But he came right back, right?"

Siiigh. "Okay, arguing with you is pointless.. 2D, we're coming in, okay? Just.. stay wherever you are right now."

Well, okay, we're doing it like this then.
2D sat up, dipping his head down in order to obscure his face just enough to hide his eyes.
Then, when they come in, he'll show them. They might be a little startled at first, but, I don't know.. maybe they'll be as amazed as he is!
The door creaked open, 2D sitting completely still.

"Oh, 2D.. what's wrong? Did something happen??" Noodle asked as she cautiously approached the blue-haired man's bed.
It was then that 2D looked up, revealing his yellow-red eyes.
Noodle and Russel gasped and jumped back, while Murdoc was more confused than anything.

"2D.. what the hell did you do to your eyes?!" Russel questioned the singer.

"I, uhh.. I got new ones! Do you like 'em?"

"Do I like them? 2D, you clearly did something to yourself to make this happen, what did you do?!"

Okay.. was he really going to straight up tell them that he sold his soul to some ancient demonic eldritch horror beast in order to get new eyes?
I mean.. Murdoc did a similar thing and he hasn't  really heard anybody complaining..

"I did what Murdoc did." The singer said.

"What Murdoc di—..."

Russel and Noodle's eyes collectively widened as they looked at Murdoc, who was now sweating upon hearing this information, then back to 2D.

"...You sold your-"

"Yeh, but, I- I feel totally fine! Doesn't really hurt or anything, don't feel uncomfortable either. I think I look pretty badass! But I understand that you lot are a bit confused—"

"2D, you sold your god-damned soul. How on earth do you possibly 'feel totally fine'? How are you even— there's gotta be some way to reverse it." Noodle put a hand on her head.

"Did'ja catch the bloke's name, faceache? I could arrange a little meeting with him and.. yanno.. make a deal." Murdoc suggested.

"You'll do nothing of the sort." Russel said.

"Oho, you wanna bet? You don't think I can?" Murdoc snickered.

"No, I know very well what you are capable of, I just don't trust you to do it."

"Whaaatever, whatever." The bassist crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

2D frowned. "Why aren't you lot happy for me? I did this for myself, because I wanted to, because it would make me happy. You just don't wanna see me happy, don'tcha? Well, fine! Don't, then."

The singer got off his bed, marching out of his room, not looking back once as he did so.

"Should we go after him?" Noodle asked.

"Nah, nah, he'll be fine. He gets all grumpy like this sometimes and he just wanders around outside for a lil' bit and then comes right back, err.. about half an hour at the latest." Murdoc answered.

"Well, SOMEONE has to. Before he gets himself into trouble, or worse, gets himself or someone else killed."

Russel exited the bedroom too, following after 2D.
Noodle did the same, leaving Murdoc completely alone in the room.
He couldn't help but wonder, though.. is that why he found some of his stuff missing in his room earlier?

Evil Eye (Gorillaz AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora