Have you Seen Me?

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"He has to be here.. he likes visiting this club, right?"

"Yeah, he did, before Murdoc got us all banned from it when he decided to overflow every toilet in the building. And stole a bunch of drinks."

"..Oh. Damn, right, I totally forgot about that.."

Noodle put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "I dunno, Russ. We've been out here for like, 40 minutes, and we still have not found him. What if he's dead in an alley or something?"

"Noodle, I'm sure he's—"

Ring, ring, ring! Ring, ring, ring!

"Oh-" Noodle took her phone out of her pocket. "Oh. It's Murdoc. Hey, Mudz, what's up?"

"Errr.. so, the police just dropped 2D off at the house." Murdoc said.

"Wha- What?! What happened, is he hurt?"

"No, no, uhhm.. he's just, like, got blood on his hands, shirt, shoes and out his nose.. they said that found him lying in a pool of this weird, icky black liquid.. and he was totally unconscious when he came back, but Katsu looks pretty concerned. Think he can sense somethin' ain't right, keeps meowin' at him and pawing at his face."

"O.. Oh, dear lord.. Russ, we gotta go home, NOW. S- See ya there, Mudz, bye!"

Noodle put her phone back in her pocket, and the expression on her face was one of pure terror.
Russel looked equally as distraught. Especially since the things Murdoc described sounded all too familiar to him..
The two of them wasted no time getting back to the house, luckily, just before it began to rain heavily.
When they got in, Murdoc was standing next to the couch where 2D was sitting. Katsu was sitting on the singer's lap, meowing loudly, as if trying to get him to wake up.

"Katsu, Katsu, come here." Noodle tried to pick her cat up off the couch, only for him to hiss in response. He never, EVER hissed at her. He usually only would hiss at Murdoc..

"So, has he.. like, shown any signs of waking up? At all?" The drummer asked, worried for his friend.

"Nah. Not one bit. Felt for a pulse, and he had one. I'm not sure why those blokes didn't just take him to the hospital so I wouldn't hafta deal with something like this again."

"Well.. here, I'll take him to his room. We'll call a doctor in the morning. I'll stay with him til he wakes up." Russel picked 2D off the couch, forcing Katsu to hop off, much to the feline's dismay.
He went up the stairs, carrying the blue-haired man with him, and into his room.

"..You think he'll be okay?" Noodle looked st Murdoc, who only shrugged.

"I mean.. he got hit in the face by a car and then flew out the windshield of that same car.. which was my car. He survived both those incidents. Whatevah this is, he'll push through it, Noodz, I know it."

"But what if you're wrong and he doesn't make it out of this alive? That man is like a brother to me! Always has been! We already almost lost him once, and.. god, I just can't bear the thought of losing him again."

"We won't lose him. I swear, Noodle, I'll do everything in my power to make sure he stays with us."

"You really mean that? You actually do? For once?"

"I do."

... ... ...
Russel sighed, he was honestly feeling pretty tired given how late it was, but he had to stay awake, just a little bit longer. He had to make sure 2D woke up.
Katsu had followed them inside the bedroom. Of course. He tried to move him but to no avail.. he felt bad for how 2D's sinuses were gonna feel when he woke up.

Come on.. don't.. fall.. asleep.
Need.. to.. stay.... awake...

Just as Russel's eyelids began to fall, 2D's shot open.
His bright yellow-red eyes almost glew, as he managed to turn his head to look at his friend.

"..Ru.. Russ..??"

"Oh, thank god. D, they found you passed out in a back alley. We didn't think you would wake up. What happened, man? Can you remember?"

"...Uhm.. uh.. no." 2D answered.

"Alright. Do you feel okay? Need anything?"

"Uh.. I gotta use the loo."

"Need me to help you up?"

"No, no, I'm fine. I can.. do it myself, Russ, thank you.."

"Are you su-"

Before Russel could even finish his sentence, 2D got out of bed, effortlessly walking out of his room and to the bathroom.
The drummer narrowed his eyes. Something was not making sense here.. how??
2D entered the bathroom, making sure to close the door as slowly as possible as to not make any noise.
He leaned on the sink, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
His eyes widened in fear as he noticed what looked to be another eye forming near his left cheek..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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