(004).❝ via im literally about to eat you❞

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❝ via im literally about to eat you❞
(real life + instagram) !

"so why don't you guys just meet up?" via asked while walking through the mall.

via and gracie decided to go shopping to look for some clothes and makeup, just stuff that they needed.

via was genuinely confused on why gracie was so hesitant on meeting chris. if they swapped positions, gracie would've stolen via's phone by now and messaged chris herself.

"it's not that i like him or anything it's just-" gracie took a second to think. "we've only just become friends, give me some time."

"okayyy," via rolled her eyes playfully at her. "his brother is totally cute though, you should set me up with him."

the two girls giggled as they walked to the food court, desperate to eat something.

"i'm so fucking hungry," gracie groaned. "via im literally about to eat you."

"oh?" via said with a smirk. "see, the universe is pulling us together again by making you soooo hungry that you want to eat me."

gracie just laughed with via. it was a joke they'd had for so long; the only that  they didn't have boyfriends was because the universe wanted them together instead.

as they got in line for chick-fil-a, they could hear a group of guys talking, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

they carried on talking until one of the guys yelled, "chris!" and almost like muscle memory, gracie's head whipped in the direction of where the voice came from.

she didn't see chris, and honestly a small part of her felt disappointed, but she carried on talking to via.

after they got their food, the girls sat down at a table and were about to eat. it was only then that via realised they hadn't been given any straws. "i'll literally be right back okay?"

gracie nodded and went on her phone, looking up when she heard via drop the straws and exclaim, "sorry!"

gracie's jaw practically dropped, like it actually fell to the fucking ground. she had been right earlier and nothing was going to her mind when she realised that via was talking to matt sturniolo.

they awkwardly smiled at eachother as matt picked up the straws off of the ground, mumbling a "here," as he gave them back to her. gracie could tell when via clocked it was matt, at the way she froze up and nodded at him.

gracie couldn't help but grin at the interaction until she saw him. christopher sturniolo was standing close to matt and via, talking to his friends and his brother. she felt like she could literally shit out a brick, and she didn't even know why. seeing him was not a big deal. she thought that he was a good friend, but there was something about him, some other feeling that she couldn't place.

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