Chapter 5, Set the Record Straight

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Interlude; Bloodlust

"Don't bother regenerating, Selina already told me how half Corrupt Deities operate. Now say goodbye!"

"And by the way, you wouldn't be able to dodge my Deadly Throw even if your life depended on it!" 


Angered by Ramona controlling Daniel, Daisuke obliterated her with a single ki blast, ending her reign over him. 

Or so it seemed, from the sidelines the real Ramona watched as her simulacrum perished, contrary to what some might say, Ramona didn't feel scared in the slightest witnessing that. 

In fact, this was all just a game of manipulation to her, perched on a building overhead within Metro City, she trimmed her nails with confidence. 

"Huh, so that's what'll happen if I don't have a plan, I shouldn't be surprised, after all, I'm barely at full power, the blood I've absorbed isn't enough to raise the Underworld's ruler." 

Ramona felt something was amiss, the lack of Daniel, her boyfriend, heralded in this feeling. 

"In spite of influencing his every move, I still carry feelings for him... but was it a bad thing?" 

She began stabbing her sword on the ground, her paces of frustration atop the building whirled. 

"No, I know he'll return, my control doesn't waver freely." 

As Ramona grabbed her blade and placed it within her weapon pocket dimension, she noticed some juicy morsels below, derailing from her sullen attitude. 

"Focusing on more power is a priority, Daisuke destroyed my vampires like they were nothing!" 

In name, Ramona called her creations vampires, in actuality, it was just an act of Ramona killing innocent humans and raising them from the dead. Ramona herself was a Sanguinoid, a sub species of a vampire, like Selina, she had half Corrupt Deity in her, but that portion of Ramona's DNA isn't as latent as Selina's. 

The process of creating a vampire was an intriguing one to say the least, Ramona would inject corpses or living beings with a black ooze, that black ooze would corrupt it's victims down to the core and heighten their aggression, nothing can stop it, not even the exorcism of a powerful priest. 

"Aw c'mon man, you know I would have won!" the human on the right firmly established. 

"Naw bro, you suck, get gud!" the childish human on the left boasted. 

Dropping from the sky like a nuclear bomb, Ramona appeared in front of the two men. 

In their eyes, they only saw a blonde haired woman with a cherry and magenta dress, of course, this riled up their hormones. 

"Damn baby, you be lookin' like a snack!" 

"Yeah! Maybe you can come with us to our house! Let's have a little.... three on three action!" 

Ramona looked at them, clearly unimpressed, radiating with confidence and spite, she replied with a "Sorry boys, I'm already taken." 

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