Chapter 6, Melty Blood

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"Well then, let's go save Daniel! We'll focus on finding Ramona first, Leo, Hado, and Gavin, you three are in charge of healing, Valentina and Shaldon, you two are with me, pull your punches, we'll fight Ramona until she's knocked out, last but not least, Selina and Trixie, you guys open up a portal to the Nighthold after we finish. Oh and Leo, if Ramona is rather resistant, do use your mind control to make her confess a thing or two, should she prove immune you may use the Swirl and bypass that."

We all began saluting Daisuke in respect of his leadership and strategy. 

I held the crossbow that I modified with my technopathy, this was the key to freeing Daniel. 

Daisuke smirked, "It's hero time!" 

The crossbow felt awkward, it started shaking and broke down, of all the rotten probability!

Daisuke turned around to see the unfortunate scene, "Gavin? What the hell happened?" 

I was stuttering, almost choking on my words like I swallowed a chip the wrong way, "Looks like I somewhat got impulsive and didn't think this through, a conceptual weapon won't balance on a normal enhanced weapon. It's like how a positive force can't commune with another positive force, I estimate it'll take me about 10 minutes to create a conceptual weapon of that caliber." 

Regally, Daisuke nodded, understanding the situation, "Alright, same strategy, we'll stall Ramona until Gavin is finished, when you're done Gavin, teleport to us with your communicator, finish Ramona off, and we'll be good! Daniel will be back!" 

Nodding at his charismatic leadership, I saluted the Saiyan rogue.

He looked toward the other members of Team Azure, Hado, Shaldon, Leo, Valentina, Selina, and Trixie, "Now! It's hero time!" 


They all teleported out while I stayed back and prepared a conceptual weapon....

Interlude, The Search for Daniel 

(Writer's note, this is Daisuke's perspective)

Nothing so far... Shaldon, Selina, and Trixie used their magic in an attempt to locate Ramona, no dice. 

Valentina traced Ramona's steps from the last encounter with her during the scouting mission, that failed too. 

Which left Leo, Hado, and I searching the streets, surprisingly nobody batted an eye with seeing me with an alien lion and a dalmatian, but seeing as how every mongrel here is a fighter, that shouldn't surprise me, they've probably even seen a wolf goddess before. 

The three of us met at a unanimous location in the middle of Metro City, "Well? How did each of your searches go? I couldn't sense anything with a vampiric ki signature." 

Hado frowned, "Not a single clue, I couldn't sense any bloody thing, and these blokes don't seem to know rubbish!" 

Leo gave a similar answer, "Casting Mind Vision was inutile, nobody here seems to be infected by Ramona, let alone know her." 

On our right, we saw someone walk out of the grocery store with a bundle of bottles, "Hey guys!" 

The three of us gasped, gazing at the individual that walked out. 

"You know, you really gotta heighten your security, I broke out with an Astral Recall spell and sent Ramona flying with her tail between her legs! I'm free of that whore's influence!" 

"Daniel!?" The three of us walked over to the smirking shaman, now purified of that mongrel. 

He placed his hands on his hips, nodding in accomplishment as we all hugged him. 

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