Chapter 1: Man of the Millennium

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What a drag. The day started off pretty slow at work, though I wouldn't be surprised given that the name of this tiny store is "Hi-Fi Hi-Fi Hi-Fi." It's...a mouthful to say the least. You only need, like, one "Hi-Fi", right? Anyway, it's completely quiet except for the low hum coming from the fluorescent lights above and the quest music  coming from the speakers. The peace was suddenly interrupted by muffled flushing from behind the bathroom door. My coworker comes back out from the bathroom and makes his way back to the counter. We're the only ones who clocked in today, so the shop looks quite shallow. God, of all the people to be stuck with, why'd it have to be him?

As he steps out, he shakes his hands dry and the water splashes everywhere. It leaves wet droplets on the carpet, the counter, and it somehow even got on the ceiling. Some of it lands on the stereo equipment on display. I sigh loudly, so he can hear how sick I am of him, but he seems completely oblivious and just whistles off-key with the music playing in the background. I know that was petty. Childish even. But I'm only human, so of course little things like that would tick me off.

"Hey, watch it. How many times I gotta tell ya not to splash water everywhere? You don't have to be a whiz or anything to know water and electricity aren't exactly a good mix." I sigh once more before walking to the bathroom to get some paper towels, but he interrupts me before I even open the door.

"We're out of paper towels. Oh yeah and the toilet is busted again." He says and shrugs nonchalantly while wiping his hands on his blue jeans instead. This guy! He's trying to piss me off and he knows he can make my blood boil without breaking a sweat. Or maybe it's me and I'm just too quick to anger. Either way he's causing me stress. If only there was something to distract–


I look at where that low voice is coming from and see this guy walk in. His eyes dart around as he checks out the shop. He's got short, messy black hair, silver earrings on both ears, and that kind of beard cut you see almost every rock star with these days. I'm not the biggest fan of soul patches but...he made it work. I actually think it looks cute. He looks cute. It's the way everything ties together: the way his beard moves with his lips when he spoke, the way his Adam's apple rolled up and down with the low hum of his voice, his calm and carefree demeanor, and the way his eyes lit up when he spots something he likes. But that's all. He's just cute, and there's nothing more to it. I'm not gonna fall head over heels again, I'm not gonna get attached, and I'm not gonna overthink every little I am right now. Damn. Now he's walking up to the counter–to me. 

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