Chapter 5: Mystik Spiral

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God it's so loud here...and I love it. I forgot how much I miss the music blaring, the crowd cheering, watching bands play their hearts out. I looked around for any sign of Trent before being startled by a tap on the shoulder. 

"Hey, Y/n." A familiar voice said.

I turned around to see the same handsome face smiling at me from a few days ago. This time he's not alone, and stands next to what seems to be his band mates and two other girls. Cousins maybe? The one on the left looks a lot like him.

"Hey, Trent."

"Looks like you got here a bit early. Mystik Spiral doesn't perform until a little while later."

"I don't mind. I'm actually having alotta fun right now." I say as I shyly smile at his friends, who kindly wave to me.

"Cool. By the way, these are my band mates. That's Jesse, he plays guitar. Max is on drums, and Nick plays bass." Trent points to each of his band mates one by one as he introduces them to me. 

"Hey. I'm Y/n." I flash another smile to Trent's friendly posse and I already feel like I'm right where I belong. 

"Oh, this Jane and Daria. Jane is my sister and Daria is a good friend of hers. They're pretty cool." Trent says with a wide smile.

His sister boldly chimes in the conversation and steps closer to me and Trent. 

"I'm curious. How'd you two meet?" Jane asks eagerly with an eyebrow raised at Trent.

"Uh...we met at the electronic store. The one in the supermall." Trent answers while keeping his eyes on me.

"How romantic. Nothing says young love like a crummy stereo store." Daria says sarcastically. Wow. Is my crush on him that obvious? I guess one can help but laugh.

"Oh can it, Daria. You're just envious of the awkward tension and repressed attraction between these yet-to-be lovebirds." Well damn. I wonder if all of Trent's buddies are like this 

"Anyway, me and Daria are gonna go grab a bite in the meantime. We'll be back for Mystik Spiral." Jane says with a smirk and a wave before heading out with her partner in crime, Daria.

"Sorry about that...that's just how she is." Trent laughs it off and shakes his head with embarrassment.

"Nah, don't apologize. It was kinda funny actually." 

"Really? The lovebirds part or crummy part?" He asks with an eyebrow raised and a sly smile.

"Pffffft, don't worry about that. Do you want a drink or something? Its getting kinda hot in here. I need something ice cold." I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, sure. Don't wanna perform with a dry throat." He adds.

After getting two sodas, the two of us stand in a corner away from the dancing crowd to avoid being bumped into and spilling the drinks. Later, Daria and Jane return holding fast food drinks and hang out with the other bandmates. Next to me, Trent pops his can open and takes a long swig before exhaling. For a while we chat about nothing in particular. Occasionally, he'd to lean in so we could hear each other over the noise. I felt the warmth of his breath on my face as he talked and it made my nerves run like a live wire. I find it so sweet the way he'd come closer just to hear me talk, and how he laughed at every joke I made. We stayed like this until time drew near for him to be on stage.

"You know, I'm glad you actually came." Trent says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks. I'm glad you invited me."

"Sure. Hey, Y/n. When we're done here, you wanna come to my place? We can watch a movie or something." 

"Yeah. I'd like that."

"Cool. I gotta join the band right now. I forgot Mystik Spiral was gonna be playing. Haha, I guess hanging out with you makes me forget small things like that. Catch you later." Trent laughs as he stands up and throws his empty can in the trash.

"see ya." I wave to him and watch as he steps on stage with his bandmates.

Seeing them play together gave me a warm feeling. Jesse did a guitar solo that made everybody cheer, and you could tell he felt like a star. I was captured by Trent's voice, and sometimes chanted "we'll still be freakin' friends!!" when the chorus hit. I realized he noticed when he winked at me and smiled. Even in a full crowd full of many faces, he still kept his eyes on me. Trent really is cute and I might have a chance with him.

Love Spiral (Trent Lane x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن