Chapter 2: Hey

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"Hey." I manage to spit out a single word to him. My breath hitches in my throat as I watch him walk over with his clunky black shoes lightly pacing on the carpet. When he reaches the counter, the guy leans on the surface with his elbow and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. As his sleeve rolls up slightly, I notice the tattoos on his upper arm. They're like bands wrapped around his bicep and there's a pattern of dots around them. Looks familiar...I might've seen it in a magazine. International issue maybe. Damn...I'm staring again.

"You work here? Right? You guys got any good stereo systems..." He trails off at the end of his sentence, and his eyes gloss over me like he's looking for something. His gaze wanders some more before his eyes land on the plastic work ID badge clipped to my shirt.

"...y/n?" He squints at the small and chipped font on my badge as he carefully reads my name. Now he stands up straight, like he just made a worthy accomplishment. The sound of my name uttered from his mouth was a bit refreshing. It's been a while since I've talked to anyone new. Sure I've talked to other customers but they never bother to ask my name. Not that I'm flattered or anything. I'm not flattered. I'll just ignore the heat rising in my chest and the sweat collecting on my hands. Probably just a condition, which would be better than catching a crush on a guy I just met.

"Yeah. What kind are ya lookin' for?" As much as I try to ease my gaze on him as I talk, my eyes gravitate straight back to him like two big dumb magnets. Must be my "condition." Yeah. Just a condition that suddenly manifested the moment he walked through the door

"Uhhhhhhh...big?" He shrugs his shoulders and stares straight at me cluelessly. The way he responds sounds more like a question rather than a clear request. He brings his hand up to his chin and rubs the bit of hair under his bottom lip, striking a typical thinking pose.

"Are you asking me...or...telling me?" Holding my laugh was pretty hard. The way he's standing there pouting his lips and raising an eyebrow with his hand under his chin is kinda funny. And cute.

"Whaddya recommend?" He shifts his position from The Thinker pose and turns his head around to browse the shop's collection.

"Depends. What kind of system are you looking for, uh..."

"Trent." He turns his head back around and smiles at me. He smiles at me.  And now I'll admit to myself that I'm lovesick for sure.

Love Spiral (Trent Lane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now