Repairs, repairs, and more repairs.

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Buildingtools hates their job, but where else can they work? At Slingshot's Cafe? They don't feel like wearing that horrible maid costume every weekday.
They snapped out of their thoughts when a breaking sound came from outside their safe place, groaning in annoyance.
They exited the break room and walked out into the hall. The Blackrock Laboratories building was huge, it always took them forever to figure out how to get somewhere through the network of hallways and such. They passed soldiers chatting, Biografts on their ways to missions, before finally making it to the Test Subjects containment room, highly requested by the head of the Robotics unit...thingy, whatever. Buildingtools forgot who was the head of that unit, or what it was even called. They walked in, there was a test subject being pinned to the ground by a Biograft, the robot's leg on their chest. They turned, their gaze flickering to a containment cell that was broken open from the inside, seemingly with an explosive.

"This again..?"
They muttered under their breath, pulling out their gear and starting to repair the door. Someone had started walking up to them.

"Hey, construction guy can y-"

"I won't fix an individual person's belongings for free. Give me 120 bux, maybe I'll do it."

The soldier who had approached them made a disappointed face, walking away. Btools finished repairing and reinforcing the door, the test subject who had escaped was tossed back in.

"How do you think they're getting bombs?"
Btools asked a Biograft, of course, it doesn't reply. Only turn to them and stare for a few seconds. Btools rolled their eyes and walked out, they wanted to see their elder brother. Walking to his quarters, he wasn't there, however the room was flooded with wires and cables everywhere on the floor, some on the walls, it was dark in there, they exited, closing the door behind them. Walking down the hall again, only to bump into their brother. He was wearing a grey hooded coat with the Blackrock logo on it with the hood pulled over his head, casting a shadow over his face, only his mouth was visible. That coat was the type they wore outside in the snow, it always snowed, and they had even more blizzards than soft snowfall. Scripter also gained some dark purple antlers, or..antler. One of them broke off quite recently, leaving only the base of it left.

Btools waved slightly, smiling.

Scripter replied, also smiling, revealing his sharp teeth somewhat. Btools also has sharp teeth, though they don't maintain them very much, they're far more dull. They looked up at Scripter, smiled with their teeth, and continued walking off. The siblings always shared short interactions like that.
Buildingtools went to their quarters, flopping down onto their bed and sleeping like that.

(production will slow on this due to loss of my laptop currently, and I also have no ideas)

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