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Buildingtools woke up, stretching for a moment before hopping out of their bed. Scripter was at the door, holding something behind his back.
"Heya, Script! What's that you got?"
They said, putting their non-existent hands on their hips. (they're r6 blocky robloxians 😭)

"This? It's just a little prototype for something I'm making later on."
He replied, pulling out something that looks similar to a remote, with a few buttons and such.

"Woah, what's it do?"
Btools was interested, reaching out to touch it before Scripter pulled it away.

He mumbled, pointing it at the end of the hall, a little purple laser fired from it, and then he teleported over there similar to how a Biograft can use blink.

"Woa, that's cool! Lemme try."
Btools reached out for it again, Scripter pulled it away.

"Nuh uh, you could hurt yourself. Don't want you to miss a day at work, you already don't get paid enough. Can't loose any more money, can you?"
Scripter said mockingly.

Btools got angry, using their gear to make a cube around Scripter, now walking off.

(I didn't put alot of work into this due to writers block, I'm sorry.)

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