Chapter 4

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The smile that adorned her face faded with my words as if my words had been an eraser and her smile had been drawn with a pencil.

"You're so disgusting I hope you know that"

I laughed knowing I had hurt her feelings. My words hit her right where I wanted. Her response to defend herself showed me how much power I already had in her.

My laugh irritated her, I saw it in the way she was looking at me with those pretty brown eyes that fire inside of them could burn me alive if they could

"You're mad"

Now she laughed "Mad? About what?"

"What I just told you. Your smile dropped to the ground"

"Did it?" She shrugged "I just think it's crazy how far up your head is in your ass"

"Thank you"

"It wasn't a compliment but you're welcome"

"Oh come on anything that comes out that pretty mouth" As the words came out of mine I gently touched her face bringing my thumb to her lip slightly bringing it down but before I could she pushed my hand away

"You're way too touchy man. Didn't you go to kindergarten? Hands to yourself"

"Afraid if they aren't you might give me everything sooner than you'll like?"

"I can't do this," she said walking away

"Where are you going?" Rubi grabbed her arm "We haven't even started"

"I know and if you would have put me with Kayden we would've started. I can't do it with Carson he's too short for me sorry" she said walking out the door and what she left behind was a room with idiots laughing at me, even Kendra.


Who the hell does that guy think he is? I'm so pissed I feel my eye twitching and I don't know why I have a lump in my throat. That was so humiliating! I am never coming back, every time I'm surrounded by those people I always end up in the worst mood ever. I have so many things on my plate and I do not need to add more. This whole thing was stupid, to begin with! All I wanted was to be a nice person but fuck that! I am not putting Rubi's needs before mine, she has disgusting friends and -

Okay, maybe I need to breathe...

Maybe Im exaggerating but he's so fucking rude

"For not being able to reciprocate the nice gesture"

I can't stop hearing his words in my head. In what world does he think I like him and if I did why would he say that? I swear men can be so stupid they don't even know how to flirt right with a woman.

Did he genuinely think that I would fall right on my knees when he said that to me? If I had any type of "omg I like him he's soooo handsome! Big eyes, a beautiful smile with dimples decorating his cheeks, and brown wavy hair that I can't wait to run my finger through" it's far gone now.

Why is it that the guys with the most beautiful faces have the coldest hearts? Are they that used to being loved that they like to destroy every single drop of it because they've had so much of it they became cloyed for it? But how could you ever become cloyed of love? If love is the most magical thing on this earth, it's what gives us life and keeps us alive. It's what gives us an illusion.


"Okay looking at this now I like the girl" Kendra laughed patting my back

"Fuck off Kendra you won't like her once she takes your man" I smiled receiving an eye roll from her

"What did you do to her?" Rubi pushed me, I laughed, her tiny arms did not move me, not even an inch. The fiery brown eyes that looked at me with furrowed eyebrows made her look so cute that all I could do was smile.

She pushed me again "Seriously Carson it's not even funny, I need her!"

"I think you're wasting your time with her just to bring my sister back. Simple" I shrugged to show her how unbothered this had me.

I wanted Ariana to be a part of this, but I couldn't let it show it was not normal for me to care about her. And it's not like I cared, it was just ... there was something about her. It's not that she doesn't like me and that's why I like her, that's not it at all because even if she pretends she doesn't like me I know she does and I know it won't take me a long time until she's mine it's just she reminds me of Rubi.

"That's your plan?" She laughed, crossing her arms trying to look tough. All I could see when I looked down at her little body was pure cuteness. It was a chihuahua vs a pitbull.

I shrugged in response, I always had this sort of excitement when it came to annoying her

"Well, it's not happening so start acting right with her and be nice!"

"And if I don't, what?" I challenged her

Julian came in between us like always pulling her back "Okay let's quit this and leave practice for another day yeah? You need to talk to Ariana"

"Who?" I laughed knowing he was talking to Rubi but I wanted my idea to pop into Rubis head not only because I'd get the chance to tell her no and make her convince me but because I wanted to see Ariana, I wanted to finally get a chance to be alone with her. This was perfect and when I saw my idea pop into Rubis head all I could do was smile

"You!" Rubi clapped "I don't know what you said to Ariana but I can only begin to imagine the bullshit you said to her. So go to her apartment and apologize to her!"

"What? No way! That is not what I meant!' Julian grabbed Rubi " I meant YOU should go see her not Carson, she hates Carson why would she listen to him ?"

"It would do them good if they spent time alone maybe they start liking each other "Rubi's smile got wider

"Do you really want to set up Ariana with Crason knowing the type of guy he is and knowing what type of girl she is?"Julian argued. He liked Ariana a lot there was no doubting it anymore, he cared about her, he was trying to protect her from me... good luck with that

"What does that mean?" I asked innocently

"Seriously don't act stupid you know exactly what I mean. She's not like all the girls you love to mess with"

"How would you know that as far as I know, you know her as much as I do which is nothing at all"

"It takes no magician to know she is not like the whores you mess with so stay away from her"

"And if I don't, what?" I laughed knowing Julian would never do anything against me. There's no way, he doesn't have the balls. He may like Ariana but that means nothing if I'm the one who is against him

"Stop you two! Just go okay and convince her to come back and dance with you"

"Not happening, I don't beg. And especially not when it comes to women dancing with me. I never try they always come to me and Ariana will be no different"

"Shut up and just go and apologize to her, I'll send you her address bring her flowers, and pretend you're sorry"

"What do I get out of this?" I smiled and from the corner of my eye, I could see Ansel smirking and Julian rolling his eyes. I was winning this bet

"Carson just go, please" She looked at me giving me her chihuahua puppy eyes that I couldn't resist

"Don't worry Rubi I will, you know no one can escape my charm not even you" I said before walking out the door.

Oh Ariana sweet sweet Ariana, you don't know what you got yourself into. This is not just a dance, this is way more than that. This will be the time of your life but it'll also turn into your hell because nothing perfect can last long and be real, it's all an illusion and I'm the biggest illusionist.

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