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Tw: Talk of and attempted SA

"Thanks grandma, you're a life-saver" Benny said to his elderly grandmother.

"Hey Evelyn, how ya been?" I asked her casually, you see, Evelyn and I had been close since the first time I stayed at Benny's house. I was in 7th grade and my mom was out on a business trip, I never knew my dad and my mom usually stayed at work, which is why I hung out with Benny and Ethan so much. I was staying the night with Benny because I couldn't be home alone and he offered. Benny had a bunch of homework that night and I didn't because I finished it in my 6th hour. So while Benny was doing that I went down to the kitchen to help Evelyn with dinner, we got to chatting and just became close. Anyways back to the future (imma be so real I haven't actually watched these movies)

"Hello deary" She said to me with a sweet smile and said "Anytime" We entered the kitchen to join Ethan and Jane. Evelyn has known about my crush on Benny from the moment I first spoke to her, I didn't even need to tell her. She looks at Benny and then at me and starts trying to fix Benny's hair.

"Okay, if the pizza isn't here in 26 minutes, you do not pay a dime" Benny informed her, rather emphatically.

"We will be right back, I promise," Ethan said, shrugging on his coat. As we were exiting the house I heard Jane mumble from behind us: "I hate being 8"


Time skip brought to you by Benny's smile

We were walking on the sidewalk, Ethan on my right and Benny on my left. The boys were arguing about something, but I wasn't paying attention. I was feeling a bit off so I slightly slowed down, ever since we entered town, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I started panicking when I couldn't catch up to the boys and they couldn't hear me because Benny was yelling about something. I was jogging faster now and I saw them stop and look around, presumably for me. I tried to yell out to them but before I could I was grabbed and pulled into a relatively small alleyway.

I felt a hand cover my mouth and I was pushed up against the hard brick wall in front of me. I was flipped around to face my attacker and I saw Jesse. He leaned in close and whispered:

"You wanna tell me what a pretty little lady like you is doing out here by herself?" His breath was hot next to my ear. "I see your little group of nerds have abandoned you, what great friends huh?" He said tightening his grip around my face. He backed up a little from me to examine my body. I was now painfully aware of my skirt's length and how tight my shirt fit. He went to grab any part of my body met his hand first, when a loud bang came from behind us and he turned around. I took this opportunity to slip out of his sweaty grip and slink around the corner. I could hear my name being called a couple of blocks away so I sprinted like a bat out of h*ll. As I neared the silhouettes of my friends I heard Ethan say:

"She's out here, I can feel it" I sped up, running on pure adrenaline. When I reached my destination, I collapsed into Benny's arms. We sunk against a wall to the ground. He hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head as I grabbed his arm and cried into his hoodie sleeve.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Ethan asked, concerned as he bent down to our level. I couldn't respond through the never ending sniffles. Ethan grabbed my hand and started to comfort me when we heard another loud bang come from the nearest alleyway, we all stood up and started to move towards it, much to my dismay. Once we arrived at where the noise came from Benny used his hand that wasn't interlaced with mine to push me behind his tall frame. Benny looked through the night vision screen and gulped, saying:

"We should leave. We should leave right now." Ethan takes his turn with the camera, after seeing what they saw they screamed. Ethan and I began to run, having to pull Benny along with us.


Sorry this one is kind of short but I hope you like it. I know no one is really reading this but if you are and you like it, it would mean the world to me if you voted for it!

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