Prologue 1 - Upon The Rooftops

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      {TW! This chapter contains mentions of depression, social isolation, bullying, divorce, and uneasy home life}

        Dirt covered tan brown soles swung in the air - high above the heads of unknowing pedestrians below.

        These soles belonged to an old pair of what were once snow-white colored Converse but were now a dingy nearly beige color from the many years of use they had endured.

         The shoes continued to swing as each tattered lace on either side of each foot trailed behind with each swing forward and fell behind with each swing back.

        A soft sigh escaped a pale pair of cold, slightly chapped lips as the wearer of these shoes slumped his posture.

       His golden eyes reflected each brightly colored car and city light as he looked to the scene below himself.

         How on Earth a place could be so vibrant and full of life at night when it was so natural for all diurnal mamals to rest at this time - he couldn't begin to understand.

      In fact, the blonde could now barely hear the music that was blasting through his wireless black ear buds - only being kept in the wonderful world music entrapped him in by the continuous beat of the particular song he had been listening to at the time.

        However, when it came to anything else, he had seemed to lose focus so completely his golden eyes seemed to glaze over with thoughts that seemed to come and go as easily as waves against the shore of a beach.

       Frigid wind blew unforgivingly against his chest, whipping his white shirt and black hoodie against his chest and behind his back - rushing through his dark golden blonde hair as it did so.

       Small bumps raised along his skin with each blast of wind as he shivered and rubbed his arms a bit, pulling his jacket tight against himself and zipping it closed in attempts of shielding himself against the harsh night air.

       He decided to scoot himself back and lean himself against one of the odd items that stuck themselves conveniently out of the rooftop he sat on as if for his own leisure.

           For some odd reason, he felt leaning up against the seemingly pointless cement block would warm him a bit. Or at least shield him from the wind.

        This, of course, did not happen, and the cement objects own low temperature startled him a bit when he had let his back press against it. With a defeated sigh, he opted to lean against it anyway, curling further into himself.

      As he shivered, Denki thought back to the people below. He knew why he was up.

        It seemed that the only time he ever had a moment to himself was when everyone was asleep at his father's house.

       When they were awake, they had managed to work out a combination of ignoring the blonde and bothering him to the point of misery.

       How they had figured out such a contrasting mix, he wasn't sure, but they did it.

      So, as everyone in his father's house slept, Denki savored each hour of their silence. He often came to the roof to be alone with his thoughts. He often felt alone.

       Ever since he could remember, he felt alone. It used to bother him - at times, it still did.

          However, he realized that over the years, he had seemed to numb himself to it all.

     There was nothing he could do about being alone, so why should he bother worrying about it?

         However, seeing each car that drove by, each sober walk into the bars and clubs and drunken stumble out - each loiterer smoking where they weren't supposed to he couldn't help but wonder if every person down there felt somewhat similar. At least in some way, shape or form.

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