Chapter 3

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If That's Not Love

Chapter 3-


I missed her. A lot. I never got to see Kris anymore, and it made me miss her so much! She was my best friend.I could talk to her about,well,anything.It made me so sad when I had to move to LA for a few months and she stayed in New York.We barely talked nowadays.

I was in my dressing room talking to David,Qaasim,Thomas and Cooper.

I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about, I was too spaced out thinking about Kris.

"NAT!" Cooper shouted at me

"What?" I shouted spaced out

"What were we just talking about ?"


Just then, my mom came into the dressing room. "Nat, there's someone waiting for you outside." She said with a smile "You can bring the boys too!"

"Oh, ok.Well come on guys, let's go."

Odd.My mom was never this happy.


Nat's mom brought me into the studio and left me with Allie ,Kristina and Jesse who were talking while sitting on the floor while she went to look for Nat.

"Kris!" Jesse shouted at me "I can't believe how big you've gotten!"

"Well Jesse," I told her "You haven't seen me since I was like 6!"

"Excuse me," Allie said "Hi, I'm Allie."

"Yeah, I know who you are, I love the show! I'm Kris."

"Wait!" Kristina told me "Your name is Kristina, right?"


"Spelled with a k?"

"Uh huh..."

"Just like me!"

"Oh my god, no way!"

All 4 of us kept on talking until the boys showed up.

"Oh hey guys." A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw Nat. Oh my god! He was gorgeous!

"Oh um, hi" Nat said to me "I'm Nat Wolff."

All of the girls and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

I smiled. "Hi Wolfie."

His jaw dropped. "KRIS?"

"Hey! That's Krazi to you buster!"

"Oh wow...You've changed!"

"Yes, I have, but does that mean I get no hug from my best friend?" I asked him as he quickly held me in a tight embrace.

"Um let me introduce you to the guys. This is David,Cooper,Qaasim,Thomas and Alex is..."

"Over here!" Alex shouted as he walked over to us. "Hey, who's the hot chick?"

"Al!" I yelled.

"Al? No one ever calls me that except... KRIS?"

"Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out!"

We had an awkward silence for 2 minutes until Thomas finally said: "So um, we have to film a scene now, but we'll meet up with you guys later to get some lunch!"

"Cool!" Allie said.


Kris was...beautiful. I had never seen her so,so...

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