Chapter 4

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If That's Not Love- Chapter 4

"This must be love, 'cause it's really got a hold on me."



I had invited Allie and Cristina to our house's pool. They were really cool girls, and I really wanted to get to know them better.

We had been tanning for a while before going into the pool, and suddenly I got a text. You probably know where I'm going with this, right?

It was from Nat. And he was asking me on a date. I jumped up from my seat and started squealing excitedly. He was asking me out on a date! Me! On a date!

Kris and Allie looked at me weirdly. "Everything ok?" Kris asked.

"Everything is perfect! Nat just asked me out!" They jumped and looked at my phone.

”Holy shit!" They screamed at the same time. "Forget the pool, we have to get you ready for tonight!" Allie told me.


After hours trying on dresses, shoes, and makeup, we finally got back home in time before the date.

"Remember, if anything happens, you call us!" Allie said.

"Ok, mom!" I laughed and walked outside and there he was, holding out a bouquet of roses. It was cheesy, but kinda cute.

"Nat, you shouldn't have!"

 "I wanted to." He said smiling shyly. "Shall we?" He put out his arm.

"We shall." I took it playfully as we walked for what seemed like hours was actually about 15 minutes.

"Surprise!" Nat said.

"Oh. my. god."

Nat hadn't told me where we were going, hence the surprise. It was a beautiful beach with a blanket, a basket, and some lit candles.

"Nat, this is amazing!" I said taking off my shoes.

"Ah, it was nothing!" He kicked sand onto the water.

"Listen," I said, getting closer "this is freaking incredible."

Our bodies were so close I swear we were gonna kiss right there and then.

   But I knew that would be moving too fast, so I backed away, giving me butterflies in our stomach at the close contact.

I sat down while Nat pulled out Chinese take-out boxes, as I silently giggled.

"What?" he said, as he gave me one of the boxes. "You know I can't cook for shit."

"I know." I said as I grabbed some chopsticks. "It's just"

For the next few hours, we just talked. It was as if no time had passed at all.

We caught each other up on what had happened in our lives at first, but later we reminisced about our childhood.

"Remember when we played House all the time back when we were five?" I laughed as we walked along the beach.

"Of course! I was the husband and you were the wife." Nat said as he chucked a rock into the water.

"What I most remember is the one thing you said... do you?" I sat down on the warm sand as the sun set.

He nodded quietly as he sat down next to me.

"You told me that I was pretty and whoever was gonna marry me was probably gonna be the luckiest guy ever."

I wondered if he really meant it, but I mean, we were too young to really know what love was. Hell, I still really don't know what love is.

"I still believe that." he said, making me turn my head.

"That I'm pretty or that whoever marries me is gonna be the luckiest man ever?" I asked, nervous for his answer.


He kissed my cheek as I started to turn red. "But you're definitely prettier now."


I'm so sorry this is short but I just wanted to give you guys an update because lord knows how long I haven't updated in.


I promise that before I leave for camp I will try to update as often as I can, but please, don't kill me if I can't update every week.


Btw- Who has seen TFIOS yet? I mean, hoooo lordie, Nat is an incredible actor and all, but he is HOT.


But yeah, things are gonna change around here. I'm gonna put song quotes that sort of relate to the chapter.

Also, I'm will start giving shout-outs/suggestions to stories I've been reading lately so y'all can read these awesome stories too!


This week's shout-out goes to kpgcatlover's story "The Perfect Duet". I am literally so obsessed with this story and the leads are so adorable! If you like music and romance, you should really read this story! 



If any of you guys has a suggestion or critique of my story, feel free to leave a comment or leave something on the message board!


~~~~ Starkid1DGleeLover


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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