Day 6: Quadruple Redemption(???)

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This story is most likely for my friends/DesmoAlly's friend group

DesmoAlly's POV

It's an average day, but today, Desmo is beside me on the top bunk, he usually does this so I'm not surprised, I get up to see QIqi on the separated bed just, pingsan, I walk out of the door and immediately see the BeatDuo arguing about who won the UNO game, so I did what I was born to do, I prepared my vocal chords ready and did the ear-breaking scream I ever did




I almost woke up the entire house, BUT LUCKILY!, most of them were wearing headphones so they didn't hear my scream, except one.....Qiqi and STB

STB: errrr I feel dizzyyyyyyyy

Chopstick: I just had the best dream😭😭😭😭😭

Ominous: I win! *dies*

DesmoAlly: Well that just happened!


Ibella: WOAH! where did that drum sound come from!?!??!?!

DesmoAlly: Prob Desmo doing the sleep drum thing

Pinkleaf: ......What😰

Chopstick: yall want breakfast?

Ominous: That sounds like a great idea!

Whiel that was happening, I smoothed walked to the kitchen and then




Mrken falls from the roof and smushes BritRoblox

Katya opened the front door and gets pushed by BritRoblox

BritRoblox pushes Katya to the side and holds out a DIY paper gun and get smushed by Mrken

DesmoAlly: Ah yes, classic Quadruple Squad

Chopstick and STB:😰😰😰

Sabrina: WHAT WAS THAT AND DESMOALLY WDYM "Normal" AND "Classic"!?!??!??!?!??!?!

DesmoAlly: Oh yeah, Forgot to mention, this is my Friend Group! SAY HI

Katya: Hi?


Sabrina: Hiii!

Nene: What the!?

Katya: Hey wait, is that a Nintendo Switch???

Nene: Uhm, Yes? Why?

Katya: Do you play pokemon?

Nene: Yeah? It's my favorite

A/N: I HC Nene as a pokémon lover since my friend said so

Katya: Wana play pokemon together?

Nene: Sure!

*Nene and Katya bonding time with pokemon lool*

*WXS and Quadruple Squad Bonds very epicly*

DJ: Well that just happened, Anyways, wanna find Russo? HE GAVE ME A DEAL

Sabrina: Ok


Ominous: I think I should've won that

Lego: NUH UH! I WAS!

PinkLeaf: How about a UNO deathma-

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