Dorm Rooms and Rumors

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Harry's POV

Harry had known for a while. It all started in fourth year when he watched as Draco got turned into a ferret. If he was being honest, his messy platinum blonde hair was entirely too sexy for Harry's comfort. Now, as some of his year had returned to complete their final year at Hogwarts, he strives to continue to be in the blonde's life, no matter what it took.

After the welcoming feast, the eight years stayed in the Great Hall to hear from McGonagall. In her letters to the eight years, she told them to stay behind as they would be receiving a new common room and new dorms. She said that they would also be receiving roommates.

Harry looked around at the small group of eighth years left. He saw Hermione, Ron, Dean, Seamus, Neville, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, and Pansy. As much as Luna would have loved to returned, she had taken up a job offer and had left vague answers as to what it was. The only thing she had said was something about nargles.

Harry wondered who he was going to be paired up with as they were led to their new common room. As if on cue, Ron nudged him in the ribs. "Imagine if one of us gets stuck with Malfoy. I think I'd jump out the window."

All Harry did was nod. He never told his friends that he liked Draco, let alone that he was quite bent in the sexual orientation category. He looked over at Draco again, his eyes lingering too much, until the blonde looked at him. Instead of his usual sneer or smirk, he just looked away. Harry could've sworn that he saw a slight pink tinge on his cheeks.

As they approached the entrance that was guarded by a huge statue of a knight from chess, McGonagall started to speak again.

"Now I don't want to hear anything about wanting to switch rooms. There is only 10 of you. You will all have the same schedule. Curfew is midnight for you guys. I don't want to hear about you staying out later or dueling. I've allowed you to have more freedom because of how much you all were affected from the past year's events. You may drink alcohol as long as it's only on a Friday or Saturday night. I don't want to hear from any of the other professors about anyone with a hangover in their class. There will be no password. Instead, the knight will let you inside based on your magical energies. For example, only you guys can enter. No one under any charms or polyjuice potions may enter. You may go inside now. I expect to see you all bright and early in the morning for classes tomorrow." After her small lecture, she walked away, presumably to her own living quarters.

The knight moved aside as McGonagall walked away. Everyone clambered inside the common room. Instead of a different array of colors for all the houses, it was decorated in all neutral colors. There were beige armchairs and couches surrounding a warm hearth, which was currently lit. The mantle had small decorations on it for the fall season. Instead of two passage ways for boys and girls dorms, there was only one. Hermione knew she was going to be with Pansy, to which she was abnormally positive about, according to Ron.

Harry's head buzzed with excitement and worry. What if I'm with him? What if I'm with someone I'm not comfortable around? What if I am with him and one day he walks in on me changing? He blushes profusely at that thought and promptly thought and decided it was time to focus on something else.

He walked down the hallway and looked at the name tags. Ron ended up with Neville, much to his relief. Dean and Seamus smirked at each other when they saw they were in the same room.

Three people left, Harry thought to himself. His heart pumped faster as he came closer to discovering his roommate.

The next door had Draco and Theodore's name on it. Harry silently cursed at his rotten luck. That means I got Blaise as my roommate. He sighed and raked his hand through his disheveled hair.

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