Potions and Schemes

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Harry's POV (not just third person cus i like this kind of style. somehow it is easier for me to write this way, like i get more descriptive.)

Also, the purpose of amortentia is slightly different in this fic than it is in *physically gags* jkr's *shudders* version. honestly who even is she? we are gonna pretend like draco wrote the books cus it seems like something he would do, considering they were obsessed with each other

I walked in and immediately my nostrils were hit with Malfoy's cologne. Slughorn still hadn't walking in yet and everyone was seated.

"Fuck, Malfoy. Tone it down on the cologne, would you? I swear you sprayed it as you walked in," I said, rubbing my temples.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not even wearing any today." Malfoy gave me a disgusted look before carrying on in what he thought was a hushed tone. "You're fucking on something. Whatever it is, I want it. Nothing could get me 50 shades of delusional like that." I watched as he sat down, shooting a dirty look at his back.

Slughorn walked in then, holding a big cauldron of what looked like pearl colored liquid, making the smell of Malfoy's cologne stronger. Immediately, I realized my mistake and blushed a deep red.

"This, class, is amortentia. Can anyone tell me what it is and does?" Slughorn asked. Hermione raised her hand next to me, and Slughorn called on her.

"Amortention is the strongest love potion in the world. Whoever smells it will smell the person that they are attracted to. Not only that, but it will present itself as the favorite color of their crush or loved one." Hermione had a slight smirk on her face as she side-eyed me.

I groaned silently, cursing myself in my head for saying anything out loud. I heard Malfoy snicker from the back.

"Correct! Ten points to Gryffindor! Who wants to demonstrate for us?" Slughorn looked around the room, looking for someone to share what they smelled. A few people raised their hands, but he didn't pay attention to them. "Harry m'boy! Why don't you come up?"

"I'm feeling sick, Professor. Can I just go lay down?" I said, trying to look ill.

"What's wrong? I could've sworn you were fine at breakfast." He looked concerned for me, and a pang of guilt stabbed my chest.

"I just... don't think the breakfast is sitting right with me."

"Can you wait until someone shares before you leave?" Slughorn was still looking at me.

"I'll try." I put my head back down on my arms, trying to will the floor to eat me before I said or did anything else stupid. In my self-deprecation, I missed who he had called on. Before I knew it, Malfoy was at the front of the class, wafting the aroma of the potion to his face.

"It looks like a horrendous shade of red, almost like the Gryffindor house color. It smells of... quidditch broom polish, treacle tarts, and hints of bonfires and trees." I tried to think of who he was talking about, but it didn't come to me right away.

It hit me right as I raised my hand. He was told to go back to his seat, and in turning, we made eye contact. Slughorn dismissed me then, and I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom. One quick look at the cauldron had me slightly confused. It was the exact shade of my eyes.

It was me. Malfoy was smelling my favorites. Either that or he's just a fucking prat and was lying right through his teeth. The latter option seemed correct to me, so that was what I was settling with.

I was walking after I turned the corner, making sure that no one was following me. When I got back to my dorm, I took to throwing my pillow across the room. I was pissed. Not just at Malfoy for lying to the whole class, but at myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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