Broken Doors and Trip Jinxes

22 0 13

Harry's POV

Harry woke up in the middle of the night to Blaise shaking him violently.

"HARRY! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Blaise shouted in Harry's face.

Harry panted heavily, still worked up from his nightmare. As normal, it was about Hermione and Ron dying in the war. The only thing different was Draco was in it. Harry blushed lightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry... forgot to mention I get really bad nightmares." Harry looked up as he heard a knock on the door. Actually, it was more like frantic banging.

Blaise got up to open it. Unfortunately, he only got a few feet when he heard someone shout "Bombarda!" and the door flew off its hinges and onto the floor.

Harry barely had time to register who was at the door before Blaise was yelling at them.

"Draco, what the actual fuck?! I was getting up to open it!" Blaise looked down at the door that was still lying on the floor as if it was dead. He dropped to his knees and looked as if it was his best friend.

Harry looked up at Draco as he spoke. "I'm literally on the other side of that wall! I heard screaming. I thought you were murdering each other!" Draco looked at Harry and straightened himself up. "Not that I would care if you died, Pottah."

Blaise shot him a look that showed how little patience he had. "No, Harry just had a nightmare."

"Oh, so we're buddy-buddy now? Don't expect me to be nice. We all know that you don't deserve extra special treatment." Draco sneered at Harry, but there was a hint of regret on his face at his words. Harry didn't catch it.

"Wouldn't expect you to Malfoy." Harry sat up and the covers fell off him. He forgot that he didn't have a shirt on because he took it off before bed. Draco, however was quicker to notice than Harry, and blushed a deep red that could rival the Gryffindor common room.

"Draco, face." Blaise tried to help Draco out by letting him know he was blushing. Unfortunately, Draco was too busy checking out Harry. While Harry wasn't chubby and with rolls, he was more fit than average. It seemed as though he was working out. His biceps were big and had multiple veins poking out, as well as his forearms and hands. He also had what looked like a six-pack of abs.

Harry looked up to see Draco and noticed he was staring. "What?" he asked as he looked down at his naked torso. Suddenly he felt very shy and pulled the covers up to his chin. "Fucking warn me next time, Blaise!" All Blaise did was chuckle and nod.

Draco walked backwards the few steps out of the dorm and pointed his wand at the fallen door. It sprang up and reattached itself on its hinges, wide open. Draco grabbed the handle and slammed it shut. Both Harry and Blaise could hear as he ran back to his room. Blaise snickered at Draco's reaction.

"Not even a proper goodbye. Just him running away with his tail between his legs. Surprised he didn't shoot an insult at you like normal." Blaise sighed and stretched, getting back into his bed.

Harry looked at his watch. 5:58. He sighed and decided to stay up until breakfast. He looked over at Blaise who was rapidly falling asleep again.

"I'm going to go take a shower," Harry said. All he got in response was a small grunt. He got up and quietly grabbed his clothes and stalked off to the shower rooms.

When he got there, he set his stuff down on the benches outside. While he was showering, he couldn't stop thinking about the incident this morning with Draco. He sighed as he turned the water off, roughly 30 minutes after he got in. By the time he had gotten dressed, his hair was still slightly wet and it was almost 7am. Breakfast started in 15 minutes.

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