Chapter 3

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Harper tried everything to ask for help or advice from their friends. But just like them, her friends don't have strong connections to the authority; they are just ordinary people who live in Brooklyn. They don't have enough money to bail out Hayden from prison. Damn, Hayden! You should've asked the girl's age first before fucking her! But it's also Rosie's fault for not telling the truth. Letha's words get on her nerves because that woman is right. No matter how much she denies those words, it pierces through her heart. Yes, she felt insulted. But she still had self-respect and pride she had to protect.

It's been three days ever since Hayden was imprisoned. The bar had to close for three weeks for allowing minors under their establishment. At least it's not officially closed. The bar owner could get away from that issue, but since Rosie's parents are not simple citizens, the bar manager had no choice but to follow what the authority filed in her business. And now, the bar manager is pissed off at Hayden and doesn't want them to step into her building anymore. It's their favorite bar! She couldn't believe that their friendship ended just like that.

"This is crazy!" Harper lazily slumped her body on her favorite fluffy human-size seat cushion she bought on Amazon. Her brain is burned out to think of an idea of how she can help Hayden. "That bitch!" She throws punches in the air. She really, really, wants to punch Letha's face. She even swallowed her pride just to visit that woman yesterday. Doing housekeeping for someone she's not even friends with is against her rules.

She didn't notice she fell asleep in the seat cushion while snuggling at her newly-washed blanket. Sleep temporarily washed away her worries, and she had already given up thinking of a solution. She is quitter.

She was awakened by the sound of her phone. Groaning, she almost stumbles because of drowsiness, looking at where she put her phone. "Where the fuck is that damn phone?" She checks it at the L-shape couch. Her cell phone was underneath the small pillow. "Hello?" She didn't hide her irritation, not caring if she sounded rude.

"Miss Nelson, this is Atty. Marshal. I'm the defense lawyer of Miss Elena Hayden. I need to speak to you in person. This is important. Are you available?"

It awakened Harper. "Y-Yes! Of course!" She cleared her throat. He told her the place where they could meet. She changed into her most decent clothing and didn't bother to take a shower. She only washed her face and put a light makeup on.

It was only a simple coffee shop. The lawyer was already there, waiting for her. They shook their hands as a proper greeting before taking a seat.

"I'm going direct to the point, Miss Nelson," He started. She nods, nervously gulping the lump in her throat. "The victim's parents are willing to drop the case against Miss Hayden," Her face lit up until her hope was crashed again. "But...Miss Hayden needs to do one year and six months of community service. Even though it was a consented sex between the victim and Miss Hayden—the victim is still underage, and she was under her parents' protection. It's still rape under the law. The parents are the ones who have the full rights to take action and make decisions for their underage children. They made a settlement, and their offer is—Miss Hayden needs to pay $35,000."

Harper's jaw almost dropped on the table from the shock. Where the hell can she get that kind of money?!

"T-That's too much!" She exclaimed.

"Miss Hayden already agreed on that part, Miss Harper."

Her face turned red from anger. "You should've contacted me first before dropping this information to Hayden." She hissed at him. Hayden always doesn't have a second thought and will do something stupid once she is emotional.

"It's still her decision to make, Miss Nelson. She said that the money is on you. Everyone is expecting you to pay them on the date they agreed on. It's actually a good offer from them. If you fail to give them the money, Miss Hayden will be in prison for 12 years or more. It depends on every trial, too. My advice is to take the settlement offer. Even though I am the defense lawyer, we can't win this case because Miss Hayden already spilled the truth in front of the judge. You can't hardly encounter a rape victim's family who is willing for a settlement," He was speaking like a robot as if this kind of talk was normal for him. He even looks bored and doesn't sound worried about losing the case. Why do public attorneys have this kind of attitude?

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