⚓Author's Note/Prologue⚓

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Author's Note⚓ : 

Hello, Lucky Clovers! This is a new story called My Lucky Siren, which is a Sailor Venti X Siren Xiao Fanfic. 

Just want to share a few key pointers in this story. (PLEASE DO NOT SKIP READING):

- The art in this story is not mine. The cover art is by NekoJinny (They have pretty cool art on etsy, go check them out!) 

- This story contains violence, gore, and some sharp objects. If you are not comfortable with these topics, I suggest you find a different story to read. 

Other then that I hope you enjoy my new fanfic: "My Lucky Siren"!

Happy Reading!!

(The Prologue is below) 



The waves crashed upon the sand, It was night. The only things awake at night are predatorial creatures in the ocean. In the ocean's depths, that's where most predatorial creatures live, and even the rarest. 

Creatures like Anglerfish, Eels, and fish that are unsightly live in those depths. These are the creatures that can kill. They have been doing eons of slaughter, never stopping because they are predatorial fish.

But, there is one creature that is the rarest of them all, the type of creature who lures sailors in with their voice. These creatures with fins, webbed hands, and scales are the complete killers of the ocean. 

They wait for humans by the rocks, watching them on the sand, luring them in with their Siren Song, They drown the humans, and feed off their blood and flesh. They were devious creatures, practically evil alternatives for mermaids. 

These creatures were known as:


My Lucky Siren ⚓ - A Sailor Venti X Siren Xiao FanficWhere stories live. Discover now