Chapter 2 - Encounter

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Third Person POV: 

Venti would then start the motor to his boat and start going out into the vast dark blue ocean. The bright silver moon and the shining stars were reflecting off the ocean's surface. "Wow...It's so pretty out...I wonder why no one comes out here at night." Venti said to himself.

 Once Venti was out in the ocean, where he could see the shore from a distance, It was time to fish. He then grabbed his teal-colored fishing rod and attached bait to the end of the fishing line. He would then cast his fishing line into the ocean, waiting to catch a few Bioluminescent fish for him to document.  Venti would wait for a bit on his boat, he would then take out his phone, going to his photos app, and scrolled through his photos in boredom. He looked at photos of other fish that he caught, looking at them. He looked at photos of a jellyfish he caught and some photos of his friends back in his senior year in high school. Venti would sigh, "Ah, I really miss Lumine and Sucrose....They were really good friends...sadly they didn't want to study Marine life with me, but it's okay." 

Venti would then feel a strong tug on the fishing rod. "Woah! What the heck!" Venti would grab hold of the rod tightly. The creature that got hooked onto the fishing hook, was struggling to get out of it. "Come on!! Come on!!" Venti said while pulling the fishing rod. Venti would then yank the creature out of the water and then reeled the line in. 

The creature then fell onto the boat after Venti yanked the line out of the water. Venti would then look at the creature on the floor of the boat. "Huh..? What is that..?" Venti said, frightened. Venti stared at it for a while. Suddenly, the creature looked up. "H-huh?" Venti jumped at the sight of the creature. "Oh my god! What the" He screamed. The creature would look petrified, backing away from Venti. "W-what are you!?" Venti exclaimed. The creature would stare at Venti. Venti would stare at it back. Venti would then study the appearance of the creature. 

The creature has long dark hair with hints of blue and teal in his hair. He had scales on his arms and legs which were black, he had black claws on his hands with webs in between his fingers and he had fins on his upper arms, a fin going down his back, and fins on his legs. He had blue gills on his stomach and pointy fin-like ears. Venti looked at the creature's face. He had scales on his face, his eyes were a radiant yellow with black colored sclera and he had a purple diamond marking on his forehead. This was an interesting type of fish that Venti had discovered. It looked, Sirenlike. 

The creature looked at a bucket of silverfish, and stuck his hand in there, grabbing a fish and eating it. Venti was in awe of the creature he just caught. Venti tried putting a hand on the creature's shoulder, but then it flinched. "Ah! Hey, It's okay....I'm not going to hurt you. Im nice..." Venti continued to admire the creature. Venti whispered, "What even are you..? I've never seen a creature like you before. You don't look human, but you have human traits.."  The creature's yellow eyes would glow brightly. "Hmm...You've been silent for quite a while...Can you talk?" Venti asked. The creature just stared at Venti, hissing under his breath.  Venti stared at him in confusion. "Maybe...he doesn't speak English.." Venti said to himself. 

The creature would take a breath. "I...speak....but not much." Venti was startled. "Oh...oh my god..You do speak...Uhm.. uh...Okay, You can communicate. That's good." The creature looked around the boat. "W..where am I..?" he spoke. "You are on my boat...I caught you with my fishing rod, did I hurt you..anywhere? I mean, the hook I used might've caught- Oh, Its on your fin..The one on your leg.." The creature would look at his leg seeing a fish hook hooked deeply into his fin. The creature would hiss at Venti. "Ah! Hey...Listen..calm down..Im going to help you..." the creature was slightly disappointed. "You...hurt me.." "Yes, and I apologize..I didn't mean to.." Venti said, calmly. He would try and unhook the fishing hook carefully from the creature's leg fin. "Almost got it, just don't move...aaand...there." Venti would take the fishing hook and puts it back in his fishing box. 

The Creature would stare at Venti, not looking away, studying his details.  Venti would study the characteristics of the creature. "I mean, Ive never seen a creature like you before...your species isn't on our database at the research college...What are you...?" He spoke. "I....I am....a....Siren....named...Xiao." Venti would be stunned. He just caught a siren. A real live siren. "W-WHAT?! Y-your...a...a...a....-" Xiao would stand up, staring into Venti's eyes. "I....I..." Venti would be breathing, shakily. Xiao would then, put his hand on the side of Venti's face, caressing it slowly. "You....are....scared...of me......You..just....don't" Xiao spoke, slowly. Venti would gulp nervously. "I...I am....n..not scared..of you.." Xiao would cock his head to the side, staring at Venti. "You...are....L..landwalker..." Venti would be confused. "Landwalker..? Y-you mean human..? Y-yes. I am." Xiao would stare intensely. "Land...bad...horrible landwalkers. ocean. Take them...away...hurt them. In...Landwalkers." 

Venti would start to understand Xiao. "You don't trust....Humans...since they kidnap your kind. And hurt them..?" he said. Xiao nodded. "Well, Im not like all Humans....Im nice. I personally want to become friends with you.." Xiao cocked his head. "F..Friend? What is....friend?" Venti would chuckle. "Well, A someone you can rely on...someone who will always be there with you." Xiao would try to comprehend what Venti was saying, and then he nodded. "Okay...Friend.." Xiao spoke, softly. 

 Venti would smile at Xiao. "Ah, Its getting late...I feel like I should head back to my home, which is on land." Venti spoke, starting the engine on his boat. Xiao would then feel a little sad that Venti is leaving. Venti saw Xiao's sad expression. "Hey...why are you sad..? You okay..? Hmmm...Tell you what...Maybe tomorrow, I can come and visit you  and I could bring you some treats...Would you like that?" Venti asked, reassuring Xiao by rubbing his back. Xiao would look at Venti, and he would nod his head. "Awesome! Ill see you tomorrow, Xiao." Xiao would smile a little. "Bye...Ven..." Xiao spoke, as he, dived back into the water heading towards the Depths of the Atlantic Ocean. 

Venti would smile and he started heading back to his college dorm room and head to sleep to see Xiao in the morning. 

My Lucky Siren ⚓ - A Sailor Venti X Siren Xiao FanficWhere stories live. Discover now