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"I'll probably be home around eight or nine. Is that okay?" I asked my mom as I walked towards the chocolate croissants section in my parent's bakery, grabbing the last one.

"That'll be fine. Just don't stay too late, alright?" Sabine said as she refilled the chocolate croissants with fresh ones from the oven. "It's a school night."

I took a bite of the croissant. "Thanks Maman!" I said with my mouth full, giving her a light kiss on the cheek before walking towards the door, almost tripping over my own feet and crushing the flowers I had bought for Adrien's mom.

Sometimes I still can't believe my boyfriend is the one and only Adrien Agreste, who I'll be dinning with tonight, along with his mother who... A familiar pang in my heart grew. How does Adrien deal with it? He had lost his father in return for his mother, but he never knew Gabriel was Monarch. I had to whisk up a lie to make Adrien believe his father helped Ladybug defeat Monarch and died trying.

Truth was... I really want to tell Adrien about my secret identity. But I just can't bring myself to. And he knows I'm hiding something. How can any relationship work without trust? I sighed and shook my head as I rounded the corner to see the Agreste Mansion not far away.

As the gates opened, I spotted my pretty boy opening the french door and sticking his head out, a soft smile on his face. I smiled back as I walked towards him, a bit hesitant after our little fight in school.

"Are these for me?" he laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood and pointing at the flowers. I smiled.

"Sorry, they're for your mom. I'll get some flowers for you next time, don't worry."

Adrien smiled that beautiful smile of his. "Nah, I already have you."

I rolled my eyes but laughed softly. I absolutely loved his cheesy comments. They kinda reminded me of Cat Noir's puns...

"Marinette, dear!" another voice called out, pushing away my thoughts. Emile walked over to us with a smile on her face, her hair pulled back in a messy bun and her white apron stained with bits of pasta sauce. She had her arms out to hug me, but when she noticed her apron she quickly took it off.

"I hope you'll like the lasagna. You'll have to let me know how it is and maybe help me perfect it!" she said enthusiastically as she pulled me in for an embrace, kissing both of my cheeks. I smiled at her positive energy. Emile had that effect on people, she always made people smile.

"I'm sure it's amazing," I said with a smile as I pulled away, holding out the sunflowers.

"Oh gosh, these are beautiful! Just like you're heart, Marinette," Emile said, touched that I went out of my way to get her flowers. Ushering us into the kitchen, Emile fastened her apron before fetching a vase and filling it with water halfway to set the sunflowers in. After finishing that, she ran off to get the plates, telling us she wouldn't be long. She glared at Adrien right before disappearing, which made him rub the back of his neck as he stared at the floor. I glanced at my boyfriend uneasily.

We had gotten into a small fight today about both of us hiding something from each other...


"Can I talk to you Marinette?" Adrien came up to me with his tray full of what had to be all the food in the cafeteria. I glanced up at his hurt green eyes gazing into mine. I nodded, following him confusedly. Alya glanced at us with a raised eyebrow but I just shrugged. Sitting down at a small table in the corner of the cafeteria, Adrien folded his hands and pressed his forehead against it.

"Alright... there's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna say it." He looked up at me. "What are you hiding from me?"

Time around me stopped. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as his words process through my brain.

Miraculous: A New Beginning (Season 6)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu