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The dinner was amazing. My mom's lasagna...was missing salt. A lot of salt. But other than that, that dinner was the happiest I ever had in my life. It was already late but I still had to tell Marinette my secret-that-wasn't-my-real-secret. More like I wanted to. My girlfriend should know that about me, right?

"Marinette..." I whispered as the staff cleaned the dishes and my mother, Gorilla and Natalie talked among themselves about something. "About that secret..."

She turned to me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. I interlocked my fingers together with the palms up, trying to figure out how to say Felix and I were sentimonsters.


"Ms. Agreste, we'll be in the living room!" Marinette called out, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the kitchen. My mom gave my girlfriend the thumbs up before going back to her conversation.

Stepping out of the kitchen into the dining room, Marinette hauled me over to the cushioned seats near the large dining table. After forcing me to sit, she ran to the kitchen and came back with two lemonades with straws, already sipping hers as she gave me one. Sitting across from me on another chair, she waved her hand to urge me to continue. I glanced at the lemonade in my hand, taking one sip to show gratitude that my girlfriend brought me one.Then I set it on the table. Taking my shoes off, I crossed my legs on the couch and buried my face in my hands.

"What's going on Adrien?" Marinette asked softly. I sighed, opening my eyes to look at her.

"Do you know what these rings are?" I showed her the twin rings on my left hand, stuck together like magnets.

She nodded. "They're your parent's engagement rings-"

"Yes, but they also have a huge part on my life. Including Felix's."

She smiled softly. "Of course they do. Your parents marriage was a-"

"No," I whispered, twisting the rings with my other fingers. "I mean, yeah, it's great my parents married and all but... that's not what I meant."

Marinette was dead silent for a few moments, those bluebell eyes of hers blinking at me slowly. I closed my eyes, rubbing my forehead as I tried to figure out a way to explain this easier. It wasn't everyday your girlfriend found out you weren't exactly human.

"Hey," I heard her angelic soft voice next to me. Feeling her arms wrapped around my head, she softly kissed my hair. My eyes still closed, I caved in and leaned into her slightly, my back soon on the couch with my head on her shoulder as her arms softly cradled my head with her face buried in my hair. I smiled softly at our position, but I still had to tell her about myself. I twisted my ring again, opening my eyes.

"I just figured this out last week..."


"Adrien...?" my mother's muffled voice called from the other side of my closed door. I had just returned from the night patrol with Ladybug. Calling off my transformation quietly, I headed over to open my bedroom door.

"Hi Mom," I smiled softly. I hadn't seen her all day. She was at work in the morning and when I came back to school.

She smiled at me, which almost looked sad but I shrugged it off. When she held out her hand, I knew something was going on.

The entire walk down the stairs and to my father's old office was silent. Confusion stirred in my mind, as did many questions.

"There's something I have to tell you Adrien," my mother whispered as her grip tightened on my hand, opening one of my father's old office doors. Stepping inside, I realized nothing changed about the office. Even the doors were still black with white lines, while the rest of the house was made of beautiful light shades of pastel colors."Your father never dared tell you because..." she trailed off, shaking her head as we approached the large floor-to-ceiling picture of my mother in a special art design.

"Because what, Mom?" I asked softly, letting my mom let go of my hand so she could press her fingers in certain places of the portrait picture. Suddenly, the ground below us cut into a fairly sized circle as we descended, entering what looked like a clear glass elevator. I gasped audibly as my hands pressed against the glass, my eyes taking in everything.

A bridge that hung over a twenty foot drop before water.

A garden full of butterflies and cocoons that surrounded a sort of life pod.

"What... is this place?" I asked, not knowing why I began shaking. My mother's reassuring hand on my shoulder soothed me a bit, but I still felt off.

"This is where I was kept when I was in... that coma," my mother whispered, a light flashing through her eyes. My eyes grew misty in anger as I turned to look at my mother.

"My father kept you here? Without trying to bring you to the hospital and bring you back? He just locked you in the basement so he could keep and eye on you... just like he did with me," I blew out a breath of realization as I turned to stare out the glass again. By now we had reached the bottom, but I was so into my thoughts I didn't realize we were already halfway through the bridge over the drop.

Reaching the life pod, my mother pressed a few of her fingers on the base to unlock a secret compartment, taking out a small rolled up note. Handing it to me, I looked at her. She nodded, urging me to open the note and read the title.

Peacock Miraculous - Formula

I didn't have to read the rest to know what this paper contained. The peacock miraculous was broken? And if it was broken and Felix had it...

"The reason I got sick was because of the wounds on the miraculous."

"Felix," I immediately whispered, worried for my cousin's health. My mother took the formula from me, placing it back inside the pod.

"Apparently it was already fixed after I fell into the coma. By who, I don't know," my mother suddenly kneeled in front of me, twisting the rings on my finger. A sad expression covered her face as she glanced at the rings.

"Mom?" I asked softly. She sighed, gazing into my eyes.

"I'm sorry Adrien," she whispered. "There's no easy way to tell you this."

"Tell me what, Mom? You're scaring me-"

"These rings," she exhaled. "These rings have a very big effect on your life. They can't control your existence, but they can control your actions."

My eyes widened in realization and fear.

"Whoever wears them has the power to make you do whatever they want."

I gently pulled my hand out of my moms grasp. "No..."

"The curse on the twin princesses" my mother's beautiful face was stained with tears. "My sister and myself, struck us barren. We both so badly wanted to have at least one child, Gabriel finally came up with a solution. The peacock miraculous."

My feet began backing away as I shook my head. This was my reality. I was a sentimonster.

"You're not a full sentimonster," my mother said softly. "Unlike Felix, these rings can only control you actions. Not your existence. Nothing can happen to you," my mother whispered, reaching forward to grab my arm so I wouldn't continue going backwards. "If you have the items that control you, you can live your life freely like a normal human."

"But I'm not a normal human," I whispered, gazing at the twin rings on my left finger. "Are you even my mother? Was Father even my real dad?" I asked too calmly. My mother let out a chocked sob, reaching up to caress my cheek.

"Of course we are, sweetheart. As is Felix with your aunt and uncle. It's just... different."

I nodded. Why was I so calm about this?

"Twin princesses?" I asked, recalling my mother's words. She nodded.

"You and Felix are the heirs to the throne of a great kingdom," she cupped my hands in hers. Before she could finish, the lights shut down all around us, leaving us in complete darkness. 

Soooo what'd you think? 

~Ari <3

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