The meetup 1/2

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Kise: Hey guys we should have a meetup!!

Midorima: And do what, Kise.

Kise: Idk talk about basketball and stuff?

Midorima: Then i will not be attending.

Kuroko: It sounds fun Kise.

Kise: Finally someone who understands me!

Kagami: Shut up.

*the others agree*

Midormia: Well.. fine.

Akashi: Then it's settled then.

*Later on text*

Kagami: Hey Aomine u coming to that meetup or whatever?

Aomine: Are u going?

Kagami: Yeah what about it?

Aomine: I'll go too i guess then.

Kagami: Alright weirdo.

*They both smirk behind their screens*

*Aomine and Kagami thought: This was gunna be a fun day.*

end of chapter

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