The meetup 2/2

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*The day of the meetup*

Kagami: Hey dummy

*Kagami smirks and tries to hide his excitement to see him*

Aomine: Jeez your feisty for the morning

*Aomine smirks back*

Kise: Heeyyyy everyone!!

Murusakibara: I want food.

Aomine: Jeez why the hell do you need food all day?

Murisakibara: It keeps me alive ok?!?

Kuroko: Alright guys calm down.

*Kise rolls his eyes*

*about an hour later*

Kagami: Sooo.. what should we do now?

Kise: I know I knowwww!!!

Aomine: No, Kise we are not playing truth or dare.

Kise: But pleaseeeee Aominechiiiiii

Murusakibara: I can't lie it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

Aomine: Fine.

Kagami: Okay let's play then.

end of chapter

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