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The scene was eerily similar to how Alex lectured Kara last week. Only this time, she wasn't only lecturing her sister but also the brunette billionaire. "Married!?! You can't be serious! Married with kids. I can't believe you both. Was that the only cover story you could've thought of? I can't - " Alex's spiral was cut off.

"What did you want us to say? Did you want us to tell the entirety of National City that my mother used Supergirl and my DNA to make Leigh and Lori? Tell them that my daughters are half-Luthor and half-Super? Tell them how Kara and I were all but pushed into motherhood? Tell them that my little girl is dying?" Lena was frustrated. She'd listened to Alex berate them for the last 48 minutes. "Do you want to know what I did instead? I lied, I told them a fantasy, an idealistic story in which love and hope and all good things exist. And I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you call Kara and I every synonym of immoral you can think of." By the time Lena had finished, the mothers had gathered their things and were ready to leave.

Kara had been quiet. She honestly didn't understand Alex's behavior; these last few weeks, her sister had doubted and disagreed with every decision she made regarding her family. She had even gone as far as to lecture not only her but now Lena. They were adults. Why couldn't Alex see that their choices were theirs to make?

As the tension filled the room, Kara finally found her voice. "Alex, we understand that you're concerned, but Lena and I are doing what we believe is best for our family. None of our decisions have been made lightly, and we're both fully aware of the challenges we'll face. But right now, we need your support, not your judgment."

Nobody spoke as the mothers walked towards the door.

"Whenever you're ready to apologize and start acting like my sister again, you know where I live." And with that, the mothers left. Kara's words hung in the air of Alex's office, hoping to bridge the growing divide between them.

The family moved in silence through the DEO. Lena, holding their daughters and Kara, the babies' diaper bag and Lena's waist.

It was only in the cold of the streets that the women were finally able to breathe.

"Let's go home."


It was dark when they got back to the penthouse. Leigh and Lori were sleeping, and the mothers wanted nothing more than to curl up with their daughters and join them in sleep.

"Do you think we should wake them up to eat?" Lena asked Kara softly, her voice barely above a whisper. They both stood there, admiring the peaceful sight of their sleeping daughters. Kara gently brushed a strand of hair away from Leigh's face before answering, "No, they look look so peaceful. Let's let them rest for now. They'll wake up whenever they're hungry." Lena nodded, a small smile forming on her lips as she leaned in to give Kara a tender kiss.

As they made their way to the bedroom, hand in hand, they couldn't help but feel grateful; for each other, for the little family they were making.

The mothers climbed into bed, their bodies intertwined as they found solace in each other's warmth. In the quiet darkness, in the comfort of their pajamas, they whispered words of love and promises of always being there for one another and their daughters.

"Has she always been like that?" Lena's voice was filled with concern and a touch of curiosity.

Kara sighed softly, her fingers gently tracing circles on Lena's back. "Alex has always been overprotective, especially when it comes to me. But lately, it feels like she's questioning every choice we make, even when it's for the well-being of our family. I hope she comes around soon and realizes that we're doing what's best for Lori, Leigh, and ourselves; our family." They held each other a little tighter, finding comfort in their shared love and understanding.

"She will." Lena kissed away the crease between Kara's brows.

"Lena?" Only when Kara was sure she had the brunette's attention she continued. "I know you didn't ask for this; for us. But I want you to know there is no one that I'd rather share Leigh and Lori with. I love you."

Fighting back tears, Lena spoke, "Neither of us asked for this. But I'm glad that it's you. I love you too, Kara. I think I've loved you a lot longer than I'm ready to admit." She hadn't realized that the blonde was already asleep until she was finished.

She cuddled as closer to the sleeping heroine beside her as possible before falling asleep herself. Wrapped in each other's arms, the mothers held out hope. Hope for their family, their daughters, for Alex. They knew it might take a while, but everything would fall into place; they were sure of it.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I'm getting back into the habit of updating my stories. Hopefully, I'll become more consistent and find a schedule to stick to. I'm thinking either at least once a month or every 2 weeks.
All errors are my own.
Any feedback is welcomed.
Have a good rest of your day/night.

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