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Here's all the characters

Here's all the characters

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Age: 15

Likes: friends, family, Owlette, Godzilla, Samurai, Rescuing people from the villains, Ninjas, Ultraman, World History, cats

Hates: bullying, Romeo, cheating, people who are rude, other villains, Tyrannus

Occupation: High School student, superhero

Occupation: High School student, superhero

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Age: 16

Likes: friends, family, Rescuing the people from villains, math, science

Hates: bullying, cheating, disrespectful people, villains, Tyrannus

Occupation: High School student

Occupation: High School student

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Age: 15

Likes: friends family, Catboy, owls, Rescuing people, world history

Hates: Tyrannus, monsters, spiders, bullying, Disrespectful people

Occupation: High School student

Tyrannus (shout out to AnimalX23 for coming up with this name and helping me with this)

Age: 17

Likes: ruling, scam people, becoming the most powerful, manipulating the citizens, destruction

Hates: Power Rider TikTok/BlueBerry534, PJ Masks, other Power Riders

Occupation: Emperor of Tyranno Town


Age: 17

Likes: Power Riders, Godzilla, Power Rangers, Masked Rider, Ultraman, Pokemon, friends, family, Top Wing, Super Sentai, Gamers

Hates: Cyberbullying, anyone who tries to hurts his friends or families, Tyrannus (archenemy), villains

Occupation: Emperor Of TikTok, Power Rider, TikToker, High School Student

PJ Masks meets Power Rider TikTokWhere stories live. Discover now