Chapter 1

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Date: April 3, 2023

Location: High School

Time: 7:29 AM

Narrator: I'm the narrator of this story and I'm going to tell you that the superheroes that only appear at night meet a superhero who is also an emperor. It all started in early 2023

Connor: *eating breakfast at school* oh man! The food tastes so awesome!

Student #1: your right! It's so good :D *eats faster*

Amaya: hey guys! Don't eat too fast, you might choke yourself to afterlife

Connor: Sorry, Amaya. We can't help with this food!


Time: 8:30 AM

Mr Paine: good morning, class! Before we get started, I wanted to let you know that we have a new student and he's TikTok famous. He's a bit shy, so please be nice to him.

Class: yes sir!

???: *walks up to the board and turns around* hello everyone! My name is BlueBerry534/Me! But you can call me Blue if you like.

Amaya: Blue?! BlueBerry534?!

Me: that's right :D

Greg: me, Amaya, and Connor watch your TikTok videos all the time! We are such great fans! :D

Me: so you guys are TikTokers too? Really cool there.

Mr Paine: excuse me, Your TikTokness, but can you find a desk so we can start the class, if you may.

Me: Oh I'm sorry I forgot. *Finds a Desk*

Mr Paine: Alright class, we are going to learn about the Medieval Times! *Turns on the screen* everyone grabs your pencil and a sheet of paper so we can get started

Class: yes sir! *Grabs pens/pencils and a sheet of paper*

During Lunch break.....

Me: *eating pizza* I like pizza! It's so good!

Greg: wow, your eating the thing! You might want to calm down there

Me: sorry, I get real excited when our favorite food/meals comes here at school

Amaya: wait a minute, Mr Paine called you a "Your TikTokness", why did he call you that?

Me: it's because I'm the Emperor Of TikTok, my friend :D

Connor: *spits out Milk* wait, did you say emperor?!

Other students: *turns around* emperor of TikTok?!

Me: yes, I'm the Emperor!

Greg: that's awesome!

Me: thank you. It's a pleasure to help you all lot

After school.....

Me, Greg, Amaya, and Greg: *talked to each other about our day*

???: *spying and grabs the walkie talkie* Your destructioness, we found Power Rider TikTok and he has friends.

???: what are the 3 kids names?

???: the one in the green shirt is named Greg. The one that has the glasses is Amaya. And that blue boy is named Connor.

???: are they superheroes?

???: according to the memories, they are. But they only become superheroes during nighttime. The 3 are knowns as PJ Masks.

???: hmmm...... Interesting. Thank you for telling me, Spyling! I'm going to destroy the PJ Masks


Greg: *playing with Connor and Amaya* hey guys! Look what I found! Looks like some type of metal! And is a robotic drone?!

All 3: Romeo!

At night.....

End Of Chapter 1

PJ Masks meets Power Rider TikTokWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt