《Chapter 25》

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After three glasses of wine, it was hard to fight off the need for sleep. It didn't help that the made-up gallery at his home was a calm place to talk about random things and enjoy each other's company. It was understandable why she fell asleep on his shoulder late last night. Jean-Noel took her to bed and laid on his back just as tired as she was at that point. They woke up in the same bed, fully clothed and facing each other. At first, she was confused by his presence and her surroundings. She felt safe as she saw herself still in her hoodie and shorts. He was a complete gentleman, and she appreciated him. He was fast asleep, so to not disturb him much, she decided to leave quietly and send him a text message when she got home. But before she was outside the room, he caught her arm.

Mina yelped in fright and heard his soft chuckle. "No good morning kiss?"

She furrowed her brows and sat at his bedside. That was strange, she had never been asked that question before for obvious reasons. "You know I have morning wine breath right?"

"I don't care," Noel intertwined his hands with hers and pulled her down to his level again. She smiled at his actions and laid down to face him. Then, she wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes, feeling blissfully blessed.


Heidi was aware of a lot of her best friends' emotions, life events, and more likely her love life. So that's why as soon as she saw Mina the next day she was on high alert. "Okay I gotta ask. What's got you smiling like that? You just had a break up, I know it was civil and mutual, but c'mon?"

Mina's face was glowing, figurally speaking, of course. She had done something she thought she wouldn't do in her 20s, no, something she had said she wouldn't do. Said it wasn't very lady-like, it didn't feel like herself. It was reckless, really.
"Well yesterday I was with Noel, J-"

Heidi gasped and sat up straight so fast that she almost fell out of her chair. "Oh my god. You hooked up!"

They were having a girl's brunch at an outdoor cafe. It was Heidi's day off, and Mina did not have to go to work until the afternoon. They decided it was time for some girl-talk and brunch was the best option today.
"Heidi! Inside voice, please. And no, I was his muse for an art piece he was doing."

She raised her eyebrows, giving her a doubting look. "Are you sure you didn't hook up? Because you look like the definition of 'got laid last night', girl."

"Well.. We didn't hook up, per say. Depends on your definition of it." It was true, they didn't have sex but it wasn't as innocent as a kiss either. She had made her move on him, she had been more than his muse that night.

"Well mine is sex, period point blank." Her best friend was very free in her sexuality. She was a liberated woman and was completely comfortable when she showed it. Mina thought that was one of Heidi's best qualities.

"We didn't," Mina shrugged, but there was a giddy smile on her lips. "We made out and not gonna lie it was hot, very hot" she fanned herself with her manicured hand at last night's memories, "then slept together, but just slept, no funny business."

Heidi wiggled her eyebrows suggestively,"So basically you frenched with the frenchy?"
Mina laughed wholeheartedly as she nodded at the funny phrase.
"In all seriousness, though, I think he's the one for you. This is it, it's love."

She took a long gulp of her orange juice and looked down at the tone of a new text that had just arrived on her phone. It was Noel, asking when he could see her again to make more 'artwork'. He specifically typed quotation marks in his message. She giggled and typed a response. At the harsh noise of Heidi clearing her throat, she put her phone on the table.

Heidi gave her a sweet smile "You loooooooove him!" she extended her words in a sing-song tone of voice.
Mina felt her face blush, her voice gone, nothing to say about that at the moment.

Later on, at her shift at work, the customers were trickling away as it got closer and closer to the end. She was undressing from her apron, notepad, and pen in the back after she had locked up for the day. Her phone rang loudly in the empty employee backroom. She answered to hear the deep voice she loved to hear now. Noel asked if she would like dinner with him on a rooftop. At the mention of food, she immediately agreed. Also, she's never been on a rooftop.
"And is this you asking me on a date?"

He paused and sounded tentative at his next choice of words. "Yes, it is. Officially."

She gave him a casual response and told him an estimated time of arrival. However, on the inside, she was ecstatic at the turn of events. She sent Heidi a quick text for help with her wardrobe, this time, the key to her apartment she gave her was needed as this was an emergency in their minds. She exited the bakery through the back door and into her car in a hurry home. Her first thought was to shower, and she leaped happily to re-shave her legs among other body parts. Heidi was already in her closet, throwing dresses off the rack. She settled on two short dresses, in different shades and materials of the color red, obviously thinking of Mina's taste. Black heels are what the outfit called for, she wanted her best friend to be the view of a pure vixen for Noel. In reality, she hoped for her to get laid, she knew for a fact it had been a while in that department. She found some open toe black heels, and they were perfect for this summer night weather.

Mina stepped out of the bathroom slick and as soft as cashmere. She appreciated her best friend's help and taste in clothes. She knew she would stress much more over this occasion without Heidi there for her. The dresses spread out on her bed had not been worn in ages, but she was up for the venture. She lotioned herself up before she picked the lighter shade of red dress with a top layer of floral lace and a risky thigh slit. Heidi was fanning herself after she got out of the room. Some simple cover-up make-up for the redness of her blushing face she couldn't control and deep red lipstick made all the difference. "Is it weird that I'm nervous as hell today after we shared a bed yesterday?"

Heidi took Mina's hands in hers and told her soothing words, and made her laugh off the nerves. The nerves were normal and a sign of how real this relationship is now. "Go, go show him the boss b*ch I know and love!"

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