《Chapter 19》

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The ride to Emrie's home with two fully stocked vans took at least an hour, which was expected to arrive just outside of the town and into the city. The view was amazing as they rounded the driveway that felt to go on forever. She heard Alden let out a low whistle as she drove.

"This is some high class -ish."

As soon as they were parked her mother was the first to make her way to the double doors of the colonial-style home. The person that answered the door was a young girl who very much looked to be Emrie's daughter. Although the girl literally didn't get a chance to speak before a crash sounded and Emrie was heard yelling from inside. Mina stepped inside behind her mother when the girl allowed them all to move into the foyer. While the others around her were in awe and ogling the interior of the house she caught sight of the man rushing past them toward Emrie.

"Mom, Dad the other caterers are here!" The girl shouted over the ruckus and walked away from them.

"Peter! Peter, I told you something like this would happen, you never listen to me. C'est une catastrophe, disaster, why can't everyone just do their jobs right?" Mina saw how the man, Peter, stared confused about her outbursts while Emrie pointed an accusation at him.

"Emrie, what happened? Why are you so upset, love? "

"The servers, they're missing. How am I supposed to run this event perfectly with incompetent people in my way? If they were low staffed why didn't they call before showing up like this?" Emrie asked rhetorically as one hand massaged her temple.

Peter dared to embrace her in comfort and she fell into him with a dramatic sigh, "It's okay love. We will find a solution, no need to panic."

He looked up after placing a kiss on her and called out, "Monique, show Margarita and her family to the tables outback." The girl popped up from somewhere in the corridor and looked at everyone still standing in the foyer. Mina saw her roll her eyes as she was about to speak Emrie pulled away and flew towards them. 

"Wait! Margarita, you can help me, please tell me you can?"

"Oh, well sure but how exactly?" Her mother replied unsure of what she meant or wanted.

"Does anyone from your catering want to serve tonight? I only need three or four, and I will pay them extra." Margarita looked at Trudy, Andrea, and Mina, who looked at Alden and Jacobi, silently asking them who was willing to stay this evening.

"That's part of what I'll deduct from those incompetent connards," Emrie failed to whisper to herself.

"So, who's willing?" Margarita asked and received two affirmatives in return. Andrea spoke about her son and daughter who needed to be retrieved from daycare by eight o'clock, so she declined the offer. Mina admired a single mother who did everything within her power for her children. Her mother and father couldn't stay tonight either because of the bakery. 

"Alden, Romina one of you could stay with Trudy and Jacobi." 

"I'll stay," Mina answered as Alden stared at her with his mouth open in envy. One of them had to come back to the bakery and wait on customers today, she figured he wouldn't mind.

"Okay, perfect, twelve servers, all according to plan." Emrie clapped once and beamed at them before she took out her phone and typed rapidly.

"Sorry about all that, my wife gets a little more controlling for events here at our home," Peter explained to them with an apologetic smile and gestured them to the rear threshold. The outside was just as glamorous as the house was, everything looked as if it was a black and white event. Emrie did mention this evening being semi-formal. Now she wondered how were her and the others serving tonight supposed to fit in with the crowd.

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