《Chapter 6》

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Not noticing the steps she was taking, she bumped into a body. She clutches the note tightly in one hand and grabs the wall to her left to steady herself. She looks up, ready to apologize when she is struck with recognition of who was standing in front of her. Elijah smiles down, recognizing the slim mop of dark hair with bright brown eyes.

"Elijah!", her eyebrows went up when she gave him a little wave and tiny smile, "Oh, uh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's alright, are you lost?"

Mina let's out a small chuckle before saying, "No, not really. I come here a lot, actually."

"Really? Are you sick?" As soon as he asked the question, his eyes grew wider, realizing the intrusiveness of it, "Uh, I mean, are you okay..in umm health?" his cheeks a faint shade of pink as he averted his gaze from her.

She shook her head side to side, smiling, "No, uh yes, I actually volunteer here bringing cheer and joy to all," her smile widened at her last words showing her pearly white teeth.

"That's amazingly wonderful," he said, giving her a smile just as wide.

They laughed and then stopped when Mina noticed the strap he straightened across his chest curiously.

"What's that behind your back?" She asked him pointedly with her chin at him.

Elijah patted his strap on the guitar case over his chest, "Oh just my guitar, I play lullabies in the children's ward sometimes," then shifted his weight from one leg to another, suddenly feeling his stomach rumble and churn.

"Aw, that's sweet, you must be a pretty good singer, huh?"

"I'm not a singer... just sing- ughrr. " A strange noise comes from Elijah's throat at that moment and face twisting a bit to an unsettling orange tint, "I-I have to go, bye, "

Not a second later, he scurries off feeling his embarrassment devourer him. As she sees his retreating back, she can't help but laugh, "Bye!" all the way to the room she had determined she knew.

François, she remembered as soon as she saw the clump of messy sheets. Mr. Grumpy was sitting halfway as he tried to move off the bed. From her view, she only saw his slumped clothed shoulders, back, and bed head of dark brown locks. She wasn't sure of how to greet him this time around, so she leaned on the doorframe and silently watched him. His unruly hair was spiked in all directions, and a strong frame of the upper body had pale skin. Mina's shoulders jumped when his clearly irritated voice sprang out into the room.

"Stop staring, I feel holes in my head already," He turned his head to look at who was behind him. "Oh. It's you."

She saw his eye roll even from their distance apart, making her squint her eyes in return. Coming up to face him directly, she walked with purpose to the other side of the room. "Yes, it is me. I'm Mina, the one who's going to help you walk to physical therapy today and from now on.." She cut herself short when she was standing in front of him, and his eyes looked at her. His gaze was a little too intense for her liking. It was a haunting experience as he scrutinized her.

"..Fine. Just help me up, and we can get this stupid thing over with."

After that stare down, she felt like her lungs could pull in a breath of much needed pure air. Now assessing the situation, he had a pink scar from stitches that must have healed on his left arm leading to his elbow including the wrist wrap around the opposite hand, and one leg was in a brace up to his calf. That was only the injuries visible to her through what he was wearing; a grey sweatshirt pajama shorts and black socks.

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